Source code for lightcurve_fitting.speccal

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
from .lightcurve import LC
from astropy import constants as const, units as u
from import fits, ascii
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.table import Table
import argparse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import warnings
import json
import re
import shutil

[docs]def removebadcards(hdr): """ Remove problematic entries from a :class:`` """ for card in try: card.verify('fix') except fits.verify.VerifyError as e: print(e) hdr.remove(card.keyword) except Exception as e: print(e) hdr.remove(card.keyword) return hdr
[docs]def remove_duplicate_wcs(hdr, keep_number=0): """ Remove duplicate world coordinate system header keywords from a :class:`` """ for key in ['CTYPE1', 'CTYPE2', 'CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2', 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', 'CD1_1', 'CD2_2', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1']: if key in hdr and hdr.count(key) > 1: card =[(key, keep_number)] hdr.remove(card.keyword, remove_all=True) hdr[card.keyword] = (card.value, card.comment)
[docs]def readfitsspec(filename, header=False, ext=None): """ Read a spectrum from a FITS file Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename from which to read the spectrum header : bool, optional If True, also return the FITS header ext : int, str, optional FITS extension number or name in which the spectrum is stored Returns ------- wl : array-like Wavelengths, typically in ångströms flux : array-like Observed fluxes in erg / (s cm2 angstrom), if units are identifiable hdr :, optional FITS header, returned if ``header=True`` """ hdulist = if ext is None: for hdu in hdulist: # try to find SCI extension if hdu.header.get('extname') == 'SCI': break else: # if no SCI extension, pick the first extension with data for hdu in hdulist: if is not None: break else: raise Exception('no extensions have any data') else: hdu = hdulist[ext] data = hdr = hdu.header if isinstance(hdu, fits.BinTableHDU): wl = data['wavelength'] flux = data['flux'] else: flux = data.flatten()[:max(data.shape)] remove_duplicate_wcs(hdr) # some problem with Gemini pipeline if hdr.get('CUNIT1') in ['Angstroms', 'angstroms', 'deg', 'pixel']: hdr['CUNIT1'] = 'Angstrom' # WCS object needs recognizable units with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') wcs = WCS(removebadcards(hdr), naxis=1, relax=False, fix=False) if 'CUNIT1' in hdr: wl = wcs.pixel_to_world(np.arange(len(flux))).to(hdr['CUNIT1']).value else: wl = wcs.wcs_pix2world(np.arange(len(flux)), 0)[0] if header: return wl, flux, hdr else: return wl, flux
[docs]def convert_spectrum_units(wl, flux, hdr, default_bunit='erg / (Angstrom cm2 s)', default_cunit='Angstrom'): """ Convert a spectrum to standard units, if information is available in the header to establish units (BUNIT & CUNIT1) Parameters ---------- wl: array-like Input wavelengths flux: array-like Input fluxes hdr: dict-like Metadata from which to determine the units of wl and flux default_bunit: str, optional Units of the output flux. Default: 'erg / (Angstrom cm2 s)' default_cunit: str, optional Units of the output wavelengths. Default: 'Angstrom' Returns ------- wl: numpy.ndarray Input wavelengths converted to `default_cunit` flux: numpy.ndarray Input fluxes converted to `default_bunit` """ bunit = hdr.get('BUNIT', default_bunit) if bunit == 'adu': bunit = default_bunit if 'Angstrom' not in bunit: bunit = bunit.replace('Ang', 'Angstrom') if 'Angstrom' not in bunit: bunit = bunit.replace('A', 'Angstrom') cunit = hdr.get('CUNIT1', hdr.get('XUNITS', default_cunit)) if cunit.lower() == 'angstroms': cunit = cunit.rstrip('s') wl = u.Quantity(wl, cunit).to(default_cunit) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') flux = u.Quantity(flux, bunit).to(default_bunit, u.equivalencies.spectral_density(wl)) return wl.value, flux.value
[docs]def readOSCspec(filepath): """ Read spectra from a JSON file in the Open Astronomy Catalog schema ( Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to the JSON file containing the spectra Returns ------- filenames : list List of filenames corresponding to each spectrum times : list List of :class:`astropy.time.Time` when each spectrum was observed tel : list List of telescope names (if given) where each spectrum was observed inst : list List of instrument names (if given) with which each spectrum was observed wl : list List of wavelength arrays for each spectrum fx : list List of flux arrays for each spectrum scales : list List of scaling factors for each spectrum (all ones for the OSC) """ with open(filepath) as f: json_dict = json.load(f) rows = json_dict[os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]] if 'spectra' in rows: rows = rows['spectra'] else: return [], [], [], [], [], [], [] superdict = {key: [d[key] if key in d else '0' for d in rows] for key in set(np.concatenate([list(d.keys()) for d in rows]))} times = [Time(float(t), format=u.lower()) for t, u in zip(superdict['time'], superdict['u_time'])] wl = [0.1 * np.array(d, dtype=float)[:, 0] for d in superdict['data']] fx = [np.array(d, dtype=float)[:, 1] for d in superdict['data']] if 'telescope' in superdict: tel = superdict['telescope'] else: tel = np.tile('', len(rows)) if 'instrument' in superdict: inst = superdict['instrument'] else: inst = np.tile('', len(rows)) # t = Table([superdict['filename'], times, tel, inst, wl, fx, np.ones(len(rows))], # names=['filename', 'date', 'telescope', 'instrument', 'wl', 'flux', 'scale']) return superdict['filename'], times, tel, inst, wl, fx, np.ones(len(rows))
[docs]def readspec(f, verbose=False, return_header=False): """ Read a spectrum from a FITS or ASCII file and try to identify where and when it was observed Parameters ---------- f : str Filename from which to read the spectrum verbose : bool, optional If True, print the date and filename of the spectrum return_header : bool, optional If True, return the full header as an additional return value Returns ------- x : array-like Wavelengths, typically in ångströms y : array-like Fluxes in erg / (s cm2 angstrom), if units are identifiable date : astropy.time.Time Time at which the spectrum was observed, if identifiable (otherwise ``None``) telescope : str Name of the telescope at which the spectrum was observed, if identifiable (otherwise ``''``) instrument: str Name of the instrument used to observe the spectrum, if identifiable (otherwise ``''``) hdr : dict-like If ``return_header=True``, metadata is returned as a FITS header or dictionary (for ASCII files) """ ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1] if ext == '.fits': x, y, hdr = readfitsspec(f, header=True) elif ext == '.json': x, y, hdr = readOSCspec(f) else: # assume it's some ASCII format t =, format='ascii') # assume it's the first two columns, regardless of if column names are given x = t.columns[0] y = t.columns[1] hdr = {} comments = t.meta.get('comments', []) for line in comments: match ='([^ ]*) *[=:] *([^/]*)', line) if match is None: continue kwd, val = match.groups() # (anything before first '='/':', anything between first '='/':' and '/') hdr[kwd.strip(' #')] = val.strip(' "\'') for kwd in ['MJD-OBS', 'MJD_OBS', 'MJD', 'JD', 'DATE-AVG', 'UTMIDDLE', 'DATE-OBS', 'DATE_BEG', 'UTSHUT', 'OBS_DATE', 'AVE_MJD']: if kwd in hdr and hdr[kwd]: if 'MJD' in kwd: date = Time(float(hdr[kwd]), format='mjd') elif 'JD' in kwd and float(hdr['JD']) > 2400000: date = Time(float(hdr[kwd]), format='jd') elif 'JD' in kwd: date = Time(float(hdr[kwd]) + 2400000, format='jd') elif 'T' in hdr[kwd]: date = Time(hdr[kwd]) elif kwd == 'OBS_DATE': date = Time(hdr[kwd].split('+')[0]) elif '-' in hdr[kwd]: for kwd2 in ['UTMIDDLE', 'EXPSTART', 'UT']: if kwd2 in hdr and type(hdr[kwd2]) == str and ':' in hdr[kwd2]: date = Time(hdr[kwd] + 'T' + hdr[kwd2]) break elif kwd2 in hdr: h = int(np.floor(hdr[kwd2])) m = int(np.floor((hdr[kwd2] * 60) % 60)) s = int(np.floor((hdr[kwd2] * 3600) % 60)) date = Time(hdr[kwd] + 'T{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(h, m, s)) break else: date = Time(hdr[kwd]) else: continue break else: # hope it's in the filename m1 ='24[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\.[0-9]+', f) # JD w/1 or more decimals m2 ='([12][90][0-9][0-9])-?(0[0-9]|1[0-2])-?(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])', f) # YYYYMMDD m_tns = '(19|20)[0-9][0-9]-(0[0-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])_([01][0-9]|2[0-4])-[0-5][0-9]-[0-5][0-9]', f) # YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS m3 ='[0-9][0-9][0-9]d', f) # integer phase followed by 'd' m4 ='[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9](\.[0-9]+)?', f) # MJD w/1 or more decimals if m1 is not None: m = date = Time(float(m), format='jd') elif m2 is not None: date = Time('-'.join(m2.groups())) elif m_tns is not None: m = d, t = m.split('_') date = Time(d + 'T' + t.replace('-', ':')) elif m3 is not None: m = date = Time(float(m[:-1]), format='mjd') elif m4 is not None: m = date = Time(float(m), format='mjd') else: date = None if 'TELESCOP' in hdr: telescope = hdr['TELESCOP'].strip() elif 'TELESCOPE' in hdr: telescope = hdr['TELESCOPE'].strip() elif 'OBSERVAT' in hdr: telescope = hdr['OBSERVAT'].strip() else: telescope = '' if 'INSTRUME' in hdr: instrument = hdr['INSTRUME'].strip() elif 'INSTRUMENT' in hdr: instrument = hdr['INSTRUMENT'].strip() elif 'INSTR' in hdr: instrument = hdr['INSTR'].strip() elif 'INSTRUMENT_ID' in hdr: instrument = hdr['INSTRUMENT_ID'] else: instrument = '' x, y = convert_spectrum_units(x, y, hdr) if verbose: print(date.isot, f) if return_header: return x, y, date, telescope, instrument, hdr else: return x, y, date, telescope, instrument
[docs]def calibrate_spectra(spectra, lc, filters=None, order=0, subtract_percentile=None, max_extrapolate=1., show=False): """ Calibrate a set of spectra to an observed broadband light curve. Each calibrated spectrum is saved to a text file that corresponds to the original filename prefixed by ``photcal_``. Parameters ---------- spectra : list List of filenames containing the spectra lc : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC Photometry table containing the observed light curve filters : list, optional Only use this subset of filters for calibration order : int, optional Polynomial order for the calibration function. Default: 0 (constant factor) subtract_percentile : float, optional Subtract flux corresponding to this percentile of the spectrum before calibration. Default: no subtraction max_extrapolate : float, optional Assume constant flux in a filter for this many days after the last observed point. Default: 1 day. show : bool, optional Plot the observed light curve and the uncalibrated and calibrated spectra, and ask whether to save the results Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure If `show=True`, the Figure object is returned """ if filters is not None: lc = lc.where(filter=filters) lc.calcFlux() lc.sort('MJD') filts = set(lc['filter']) for filt in filts: filt.trans.sort('freq') plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8., 6.)) for spec in spectra: wl, flux, time, _, _ = readspec(spec) mjd = time.mjd if show: fig.clf() ax1 = plt.subplot(211) lc.plot(xcol='MJD', ycol='flux', offset_factor=0) ax1.axvline(mjd) ax1.set_xlabel('MJD') ax1.set_ylabel('$F_\\nu$ (W Hz$^{-1}$)') ax2 = plt.subplot(212) good = ~np.isnan(flux) lam = wl[good] * u.angstrom Flam = flux[good] * u.erg / u.s / u.angstrom /**2 nu = const.c / lam Fnu = (Flam * lam / nu).to(u.W / u.Hz / u.m**2).value[::-1] nu =[::-1] if subtract_percentile is not None: Fnu -= np.nanpercentile(Fnu, subtract_percentile) freqs = [] ratios = [] for filt in filts: freq0 = filt.freq_eff.value - filt.freq_range[0] freq1 = filt.freq_range[1] + filt.freq_eff.value if freq1 < np.min(nu) or freq0 > np.max(nu): print(filt, "and spectrum don't overlap") continue # filter and spectrum don't overlap lc_filt = lc.where(filter=filt, nondet=False) if len(lc_filt) == 0 or mjd - np.max(lc_filt['MJD']) > max_extrapolate or mjd < np.min(lc_filt['MJD']): print(filt, "not observed before and after spectrum") continue flux_lc = np.interp(mjd, lc_filt['MJD'], lc_filt['flux']) trans_interp = np.interp(nu, filt.trans['freq'], filt.trans['T_norm_per_freq']) flux_spec = np.trapz(Fnu * trans_interp, nu) / np.trapz(trans_interp, nu) ratio = flux_lc / flux_spec if show: ax2.axvspan(freq0, freq1, color=filt.color, alpha=0.2) ax2.plot(filt.freq_eff, flux_lc, marker='o', zorder=5, **filt.plotstyle) ratios.append(ratio) freqs.append(filt.freq_eff.value) if not ratios: print('no filters for', spec) if show: plt.close(fig) continue scale = np.mean(ratios) if order: p = np.polyfit(freqs, np.array(ratios) / scale, order) corr = np.polyval(p, nu) * scale print(spec, scale, p[:-1]) else: corr = np.array([scale]) print(spec, scale) if show: ax2.plot(nu, Fnu * scale, label='rescaled') ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (THz)') ax2.set_ylabel('$F_\\nu$ (W Hz$^{-1}$)') if order: ax2.plot(nu, Fnu * corr, color='C2', label='rescaled & warped') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.pause(0.1) ans = input('accept this scale? [Y/n] ') if not show or ans.lower() != 'n': data_out = np.array([wl[good], flux[good] * corr[::-1]]).T path_in, filename_in = os.path.split(spec) filename_out = os.path.join(path_in, 'photcal_' + filename_in).replace('.fits', '.txt') np.savetxt(filename_out, data_out, fmt='%.1f %.2e') print(filename_out) if show: return fig
[docs]def create_wiserep_tsv(specpaths, wiserep_dir, verbose=False): """ Prepares a TSV file for uploading spectra to WISeREP (see Also copies all the spectrum files to a single directory, and converts any FITS files to ASCII. Parameters ---------- specpaths: list List of paths to the spectrum files. Optionally, data quality can be specified in a tuple, e.g., [(filename1.fits, 3), (filename2.txt, 2), ...], where the second element is 1 (low), 2 (medium), or 3 (high). wiserep_dir: str Directory in which to collect the spectra. If it already exists, it will be deleted and remade. The TSV file will be saved alongside this directory using the same name but with a '.tsv' extension. verbose: bool, optional If True, print a message when any file is copied or created. """ # prepare the output directory if os.path.exists(wiserep_dir): ans = input(f'Are you sure you want to delete the directory {wiserep_dir}? [y/N] ') if ans.lower() != 'y': return shutil.rmtree(wiserep_dir) os.mkdir(wiserep_dir) # collect the metadata bibcode = input('bibcode: ') rows = [] instruments = {} for specpath in specpaths: if isinstance(specpath, tuple): specpath, quality = specpath quality = min(max(round(quality), 1), 3) # forces it to be 1, 2, or 3 else: quality = 2 # medium quality specfile = os.path.split(specpath)[-1] ascii_file = specfile.replace('.fits', '.txt').replace('.csv', '.txt') print() # empty line between spectra wl, flux, date, tel, inst, hdr = readspec(specpath, verbose=True, return_header=True) groups = input('\ngroup IDs (comma sep.): ') if inst not in instruments: inst_id = input(f'\nlook up instrument ID for {inst} (required): ') if inst and inst_id: instruments[inst] = int(inst_id) row = [ ascii_file, specfile if specfile.endswith('.fits') else None, date.iso, instruments.get(inst, inst_id), hdr.get('exptime'), {'angstrom': 11, 'nm': 12, 'um': 13}.get(hdr.get('CUNIT1', hdr.get('XUNITS', 'angstrom')).lower()), 1, # wavelength in air, hardcoded for now 1., # erg/cm2/s/Å, hardcoded for now 6, # erg/cm2/s/Å, hardcoded for now 2 if specfile.startswith('photcal') else 1, # method of flux calibration (1 = std star, 2 = photometry) 0, # not extinction corrected hdr.get('OBSERVER', 'Unknown'), hdr.get('REDUCER'), None, # reduction date float(hdr['APERWID']) if 'APERWID' in hdr else None, hdr.get('DICHROIC'), hdr.get('GRISM'), hdr.get('GRATING'), float(hdr['BLAZE']) if 'BLAZE' in hdr else None, float(hdr['AIRMASS']) if 'AIRMASS' in hdr else None, hdr.get('HA') or None, 10, # spectrum of object quality, # spectrum quality 0., # spectrum proprietary period 'days', # prop. period units groups, None, # comments bibcode or None, None, # contributor None, # related files None, # related files None, # related files None, # related files ] rows.append(row) # copy and convert files if not specfile.endswith('.csv'): shutil.copy(specpath, wiserep_dir) if verbose: print(f'copied {specfile} to {wiserep_dir}') if specfile.endswith('.fits') or specfile.endswith('.csv'): data_out = np.transpose([wl, flux]) np.savetxt(os.path.join(wiserep_dir, ascii_file), data_out, fmt=('%f', '%e'), header=hdr.__repr__()) if verbose: print(f'wrote {wiserep_dir}/{ascii_file}') # create the table and write the TSV file t = Table(rows=rows, names=[ 'Ascii-filename*', 'FITS-filename*', 'Obs-date* [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] / JD', 'Instrument-Id*', 'Exp-time (sec)', 'WL Units-id', 'WL Medium-Id', 'Flux Unit Coeff', 'Flux Units-Id', 'Flux Calib. By-Id', 'Extinction-Corrected-Id', 'Observer/s ', 'Reducer/s ', 'Reduction-date [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] / JD', 'Aperture (Slit)', 'Dichroic', 'Grism', 'Grating', 'Blaze', 'Airmass', 'Hour Angle', 'Spec Type-Id', 'Spec Quality-Id', 'Spec. Prop-period value', 'Prop-period units', 'Assoc. Groups', 'Spec-Remarks', 'Publish (bibcode)', 'Contrib', 'Related-file1', 'RF1 Comments', 'Related-file2', 'RF2 Comments' ], meta={'comments': ['TSV-type:\tspectra']}) # use the lower-level interface to add the second line with the defaults writer = ascii.get_writer(ascii.Tab, fast_writer=False, comment='', fill_values=[('None', 'NULL'), ('', 'NULL'), ('UNKNOWN', 'NULL')]) lines = writer.write(t) lines.insert(2, '\t\t\t\tNULL\t[default=11 (Angstrom)]\t[default=1 (Air)]\t[default=1.0]\t[default=6]\tNULL\tNULL\t[Unknown]\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL\t[default=10=Object]\tNULL\tNULL\t[days/months/years]\t[Comma delim.]\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL\tNULL') with open(wiserep_dir + '.tsv', 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') if verbose: print(f'\nwrote {wiserep_dir}.tsv') return t
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Calibrate spectra to photometry.') parser.add_argument('spectra', nargs='+', help='filenames of spectra') parser.add_argument('--lc', help='filename of photometry table (must have columns "MJD", "filter", "mag"/"flux", and' '"dmag"/"dflux")') parser.add_argument('--lc-format', default='ascii', help='format of photometry table (passed to :func:``)') parser.add_argument('-f', '--filters', nargs='+', help='filters to use for calibration') parser.add_argument('-o', '--order', type=int, default=0, help='polynomial order of correction function') parser.add_argument('--subtract-percentile', type=float, help='subtract continuum from spectrum before correcting') parser.add_argument('--max-extrapolate', type=float, help='assume constant flux in a filter for this many days after the last observed point') parser.add_argument('--show', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() lc =, format=args.format) calibrate_spectra(args.spectra, lc, args.filters, args.order, args.subtract_percentile, args.max_extrapolate,