Source code for lightcurve_fitting.models

import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as const
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from .filters import filtdict

k_B ="eV / kK").value
c3 = (4. * np.pi *"erg s-1 Rsun-2 kK-4").value) ** -0.5 / 1000.  # Rsun --> kiloRsun
c4 = 1. / (4. * np.pi * ** 2.)

[docs]def format_unit(unit): """ Use LaTeX to format a physical unit, which may consist of an order of magnitude times a base unit Parameters ---------- unit : astropy.units.Unit, astropy.units.Quantity The unit to format Returns ------- unit_str : str Formatted unit """ if isinstance(unit, u.Quantity): value = np.log10(unit.value) unit = unit.unit if value % 1.: unit_str = '$10^{{{value:.1f}}}$ {unit:latex_inline}' else: unit_str = '$10^{{{value:.0f}}}$ {unit:latex_inline}' else: value = None unit_str = '{unit:latex_inline}' return unit_str.format(value=value, unit=unit)
[docs]def power(base, exp): """Power function that returns zero for any nonpositive base""" broadcast = np.broadcast(base, exp) zeros = np.zeros(broadcast.shape, float) positive = base > 0. power = np.power(base, exp, out=zeros, where=positive) return power
[docs]class Model: """An analytical model, defined by a function and its parameters""" input_names = [] """A list of the parameter names""" units = [] """A list of the units for each parameter""" output_quantity = 'lum' """Quantity output by the model: 'lum' or 'flux'""" @property def nparams(self): """The number of parameters in the model""" return len(self.input_names) @property def axis_labels(self): """Axis labels for each paramter (including name and unit)""" return ['${}$ ({})'.format(var, format_unit(unit)) if unit is not u.dimensionless_unscaled else '${}$'.format(var) for var, unit in zip(self.input_names, self.units)] def __init__(self, lc=None, redshift=0.): if redshift: self.z = redshift elif lc is not None and 'redshift' in lc.meta: self.z = lc.meta['redshift'] else: self.z = 0. def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: z={self.z:.3f}>' def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.evaluate(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): return NotImplemented
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, lc, p, use_sigma=False, sigma_type='relative'): """ The log of the likelihood function of the model given data contained in `lc` and parameters contained in `p` Parameters ---------- lc : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC Table of broadband photometry including columns "MJD", "mag", "dmag", "filter" p : array-like Model parameters for which to calculate the likelihood. The first dimension should have the same length as the number of parameters, or one more if sigma is used. use_sigma : bool, optional If True, treat the last parameter as an intrinsic scatter parameter that does not get passed to the model sigma_type : str, optional If 'relative' (default), sigma will be in units of the individual photometric uncertainties. If 'absolute', sigma will be in units of the median photometric uncertainty. Returns ------- log_likelihood : float, array-like The natural log of the likelihood function. If `p` is 1D, `log_likelihood` is a float. Otherwise, its shape is determined by the remaining dimensions of `p`. """ f = lc['filter'].data t = lc['MJD'].data y = lc[self.output_quantity].data dy = lc['d' + self.output_quantity].data if sigma_type == 'relative': sigma_units = dy elif sigma_type == 'absolute': sigma_units = np.median(dy) else: raise Exception('sigma_type must either be "relative" or "absolute"') if use_sigma: y_fit = self(t, f, *p[:-1]) sigma = np.sqrt(dy ** 2. + (p[-1] * sigma_units) ** 2.) else: y_fit = self(t, f, *p) sigma = dy log_likelihood = -0.5 * np.sum(np.log(2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2.) + ((y - y_fit) / sigma) ** 2.) return log_likelihood
[docs]class BaseShockCooling(Model): """ The shock cooling model of Sapir & Waxman ( :math:`T(t) = \\frac{T_\\mathrm{col}}{T_\\mathrm{ph}} T_0 \\left(\\frac{v_s^2 t^2}{f_ρ M κ}\\right)^{ε_1} \\frac{R^{1/4}}{κ^{1/4}} t^{-1/2}` (Eq. 23) :math:`L(t) = A \\exp\\left[-\\left(\\frac{a t}{t_\\mathrm{tr}}\\right)^α\\right] L_0 \\left(\\frac{v_s t^2}{f_ρ M κ}\\right)^{-ε_2} \\frac{v_s^2 R}{κ}` (Eq. 18-19) :math:`t_\\mathrm{tr} = (19.5\\,\\mathrm{d}) \\left(\\frac{κ * M_\\mathrm{env}}{v_s} \\right)^{1/2}` (Eq. 20) Parameters ---------- lc : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC, optional The light curve to which the model will be fit. Only used to get the redshift if `redshift` is not given. redshift : float, optional The redshift between blackbody source and the observed filters. Default: 0. n : float, optional The polytropic index of the progenitor. Must be either 1.5 (default) or 3. RW : bool, optional Reduce the model to the simpler form of Rabinak & Waxman ( Default: False. Attributes ---------- z : float The redshift between blackbody source and the observed filters n : float The polytropic index of the progenitor A : float Coefficient on the luminosity suppression factor (Eq. 19) a : float Coefficient on the transparency timescale (Eq. 19) alpha : float Exponent on the transparency timescale (Eq. 19) epsilon_1 : float Exponent in the temperature expression (Eq. 23) epsilon_2 : float Exponent in the luminosity expression (Eq. 18) L_0 : float Coefficient on the luminosity expression in erg/s (Eq. 18) T_0 : float Coefficient on the temperature expression in eV (Eq. 23) Tph_to_Tcol : float Ratio of the color temperature to the photospheric temperature epsilon_T : float Exponent on time in the temperature expression epsilon_L : float Exponent on time in the luminosity expression RW : bool Reduce the model to the simpler form of Rabinak & Waxman ( """ def __init__(self, lc=None, redshift=0., n=1.5, RW=False): super().__init__(lc, redshift=redshift) if n == 1.5: self.n = 1.5 self.A = 0.94 self.a = 1.67 self.alpha = 0.8 self.epsilon_1 = 0.027 self.epsilon_2 = 0.086 self.L_0 = 2.0e42 # erg / s self.T_0 = 1.61 # eV self.Tph_to_Tcol = 1.1 elif n == 3.: self.n = 3. self.A = 0.79 self.a = 4.57 self.alpha = 0.73 self.epsilon_1 = 0.016 self.epsilon_2 = 0.175 self.L_0 = 2.1e42 # erg / s self.T_0 = 1.69 # eV self.Tph_to_Tcol = 1.0 else: raise ValueError('n can only be 1.5 or 3') self.epsilon_T = 2 * self.epsilon_1 - 0.5 self.epsilon_L = -2 * self.epsilon_2 if RW: self.RW = True self.a = 0. self.Tph_to_Tcol = 1.2 else: self.RW = False def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: z={self.z:.3f}, n={self.n:.1f}, RW={self.RW}>'
[docs] def temperature_radius(self, t_in, v_s, M_env, f_rho_M, R, t_exp=0., kappa=1.): """ Evaluate the color temperature and photospheric radius as a function of time for a set of parameters Parameters ---------- t_in : float, array-like Time in days v_s : float, array-like The shock speed in :math:`10^{8.5}` cm/s M_env : float, array-like The envelope mass in solar masses f_rho_M : float, array-like The product :math:`f_ρ M`, where :math:`f_ρ` is a numerical factor of order unity that depends on the inner envelope structure and :math:`M` is the ejecta mass in solar masses R : float, array-like The progenitor radius in :math:`10^{13}` cm t_exp : float, array-like The explosion epoch kappa : float, array-like The ejecta opacity in units of the electron scattering opacity (0.34 cm^2/g) Returns ------- T_K : array-like The model blackbody temperatures in units of kilokelvins R_bb : array-like The model blackbody radii in units of 1000 solar radii """ t = np.reshape(t_in, (-1, 1)) - t_exp L_RW = self.L_0 * power(t ** 2 * v_s / (f_rho_M * kappa), -self.epsilon_2) * v_s ** 2 * R / kappa t_tr = 19.5 * (kappa * M_env / v_s) ** 0.5 L = L_RW * self.A * np.exp(-power(self.a * t / t_tr, self.alpha)) T_ph = self.T_0 * power(t ** 2 * v_s ** 2 / (f_rho_M * kappa), self.epsilon_1) \ * kappa ** -0.25 * power(t, -0.5) * R ** 0.25 T_col = T_ph * self.Tph_to_Tcol T_K = np.squeeze(T_col) / k_B R_bb = c3 * np.squeeze(L) ** 0.5 * power(T_K, -2.) return T_K, R_bb
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): return NotImplemented
[docs] @staticmethod def t_min(p, kappa=1.): """ The minimum time at which the model is valid :math:`t_\\mathrm{min} = (0.2\\,\\mathrm{d}) \\frac{R}{v_s} \\max\\left[0.5, \\frac{R^{0.4}}{(f_ρ M κ)^{0.2} v_s^{-0.7}}\\right] + t_\\mathrm{exp}` (Eq. 17) """ v_s = p[0] f_rho_M = p[2] R = p[3] t_exp = p[4] if len(p) > 4 else 0. return 0.2 * R / v_s * np.maximum(0.5, R ** 0.4 * (f_rho_M * kappa) ** -0.2 * v_s ** -0.7) + t_exp
[docs] @staticmethod def t_max(p, kappa=1.): """ The maximum time at which the model is valid :math:`t_\\mathrm{max} = (7.4\\,\\mathrm{d}) \\left(\\frac{R}{κ}\\right)^{0.55} + t_\\mathrm{exp}` (Eq. 24) """ R = p[3] t_exp = p[4] if len(p) > 4 else 0. return 7.4 * (R / kappa) ** 0.55 + t_exp
[docs]class ShockCooling(BaseShockCooling): """ The shock cooling model of Sapir & Waxman ( This version of the model is written in terms of physical parameters :math:`v_s, M_\\mathrm{env}, f_ρ M, R`. """ input_names = [ 'v_\\mathrm{s*}', 'M_\\mathrm{env}', 'f_\\rho M', 'R', 't_0' ] units = [ 10. ** 8.5 * / u.s, u.Msun, u.Msun, 1e13 *, u.d ]
[docs] def evaluate(self, t_in, f, v_s, M_env, f_rho_M, R, t_exp=0., kappa=1.): """ Evaluate this model at a range of times and filters Parameters ---------- t_in : float, array-like Time in days f : lightcurve_fitting.filter.Filter, array-like Filters for which to calculate the model v_s : float, array-like The shock speed in :math:`10^{8.5}` cm/s M_env : float, array-like The envelope mass in solar masses f_rho_M : float, array-like The product :math:`f_ρ M`, where ":math:`f_ρ` is a numerical factor of order unity that depends on the inner envelope structure" and :math:`M` is the ejecta mass in solar masses R : float, array-like The progenitor radius in :math:`10^{13}` cm t_exp : float, array-like, optional The explosion epoch. Default: 0. kappa : float, array-like, optional The ejecta opacity in units of the electron scattering opacity (0.34 cm^2/g). Default: 1. Returns ------- y_fit : array-like The filtered model light curves """ T_K, R_bb = self.temperature_radius(t_in, v_s, M_env, f_rho_M, R, t_exp, kappa) y_fit = blackbody_to_filters(f, T_K, R_bb, self.z) return y_fit
[docs]class ShockCooling2(BaseShockCooling): """ The shock cooling model of Sapir & Waxman ( This version of the model is written in terms of scaling parameters :math:`T_1, L_1, t_\\mathrm{tr}`: :math:`T(t) = T_1 t^{ε_T}` and :math:`L(t) = L_1 t^{ε_L} \\exp\\left[-\\left(\\frac{a t}{t_\\mathrm{tr}}\\right)^α\\right]` """ input_names = [ 'T_1', 'L_1', 't_\\mathrm{tr}', 't_0' ] units = [ u.kK, 1e42 * u.erg / u.s, u.d, u.d ]
[docs] def evaluate(self, t_in, f, T_1, L_1, t_tr, t_exp=0.): """ Evaluate this model at a range of times and filters Parameters ---------- t_in : float, array-like Time in days f : lightcurve_fitting.filter.Filter, array-like Filters for which to calculate the model T_1 : float, array-like The blackbody temperature 1 day after explosion in kilokelvins L_1 : float, array-like The approximate blackbody luminosity 1 day after explosion in :math:`10^{42}` erg/s t_tr : float, array-like The time at which the envelope becomes transparent in rest-frame days t_exp : float, array-like The explosion epoch Returns ------- y_fit : array-like The filtered model light curves """ t = np.reshape(t_in, (-1, 1)) - t_exp T_K = np.squeeze(T_1 * power(t, self.epsilon_T)) L = np.squeeze(L_1 * np.exp(-power(self.a * t / t_tr, self.alpha)) * power(t, self.epsilon_L)) * 1e42 R_bb = c3 * L ** 0.5 * power(T_K, -2.) y_fit = blackbody_to_filters(f, T_K, R_bb, self.z) return y_fit
[docs] @staticmethod def t_min(p, kappa=1.): """ The minimum time at which the model is valid This expression cannot be translated to the parameters of :class:`ShockCooling2` """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def t_max(self, p, kappa=1.): """ The maximum time at which the model is valid :math:`t_\\mathrm{max} = \\left(\\frac{8.12\\,\\mathrm{kK}}{T_1}\\right)^{1/(2 ε_1 - 0.5)} + t_\\mathrm{exp}` """ T_1 = p[0] t_exp = p[3] if len(p) > 3 else 0. return (8.12 / T_1) ** (self.epsilon_T ** -1) + t_exp
[docs]class ShockCooling3(BaseShockCooling): """ The shock cooling model of Sapir & Waxman ( This version of the model is written in terms of physical parameters :math:`v_s, M_\\mathrm{env}, f_ρ M, R` and includes distance :math:`d_L` and reddening :math:`E(B-V)` as free parameters. """ input_names = [ 'v_\\mathrm{s*}', 'M_\\mathrm{env}', 'f_\\rho M', 'R', 'd_L', 'E(B-V)', 't_0', ] units = [ 10. ** 8.5 * / u.s, u.Msun, u.Msun, 1e13 *, u.Mpc, u.mag, u.d, ] output_quantity = 'flux'
[docs] def evaluate(self, t_in, f, v_s, M_env, f_rho_M, R, dist, ebv=0., t_exp=0., kappa=1.): """ Evaluate this model at a range of times and filters Parameters ---------- t_in : float, array-like Time in days f : lightcurve_fitting.filter.Filter, array-like Filters for which to calculate the model v_s : float, array-like The shock speed in :math:`10^{8.5}` cm/s M_env : float, array-like The envelope mass in solar masses f_rho_M : float, array-like The product :math:`f_ρ M`, where ":math:`f_ρ` is a numerical factor of order unity that depends on the inner envelope structure" and :math:`M` is the ejecta mass in solar masses R : float, array-like The progenitor radius in :math:`10^{13}` cm dist : float, array-like The luminosity distance in Mpc ebv : float, array-like, optional The reddening :math:`E(B-V)` to apply to the blackbody spectrum before integration. Default: 0. t_exp : float, array-like, optional The explosion epoch. Default: 0. kappa : float, array-like, optional The ejecta opacity in units of the electron scattering opacity (0.34 cm^2/g). Default: 1. Returns ------- y_fit : array-like The filtered model light curves """ T_K, R_bb = self.temperature_radius(t_in, v_s, M_env, f_rho_M, R, t_exp, kappa) lum = blackbody_to_filters(f, T_K, R_bb, self.z, ebv=ebv) flux = c4 * lum / dist ** 2. return flux
[docs] @staticmethod def t_min(p, kappa=1.): return super().t_min([p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[6] if len(p) > 6 else 0.], kappa=kappa)
[docs] @staticmethod def t_max(p, kappa=1.): return super().t_max([p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[6] if len(p) > 6 else 0.], kappa=kappa)
[docs]class ShockCooling4(Model): """ The shock cooling model of Morag, Sapir, & Waxman ( :math:`L(\\tilde{t}) = L_\\mathrm{br}\\left\{\\tilde{t}^{-4/3} + 0.9\\exp\\left[-\\left(\\frac{2.0t}{t_\\mathrm{tr}}\\right)^{0.5}\\right] \\tilde{t}^{-0.17}\\right\}` (Eq. A1) :math:`T_\\mathrm{col}(\\tilde{t}) = T_\\mathrm{col,br} \\min(0.97\\tilde{t}^{-1/3}, \\tilde{t}^{-0.45})` (Eq. A2) :math:`\\tilde{t} \\equiv \\frac{t}{t_\\mathrm{br}}`, where :math:`t_\\mathrm{br} = (0.86\\,\\mathrm{h}) R^{1.26} v_\\mathrm{s*}^{-1.13} (f_\\rho M \\kappa)^{-0.13}` (Eq. A5) :math:`L_\\mathrm{br} = (3.69 \\times 10^{42}\\,\\mathrm{erg}\\,\\mathrm{s}^{-1}) R^{0.78} v_\\mathrm{s*}^{2.11} (f_\\rho M)^{0.11} \\kappa^{-0.89}` (Eq. A6) :math:`T_\\mathrm{col,br} = (8.19\\,\\mathrm{eV}) R^{-0.32} v_\\mathrm{s*}^{0.58} (f_\\rho M)^{0.03} \\kappa^{-0.22}` (Eq. A7) :math:`t_\\mathrm{tr} = (19.5\\,\\mathrm{d}) \\sqrt{\\frac{\\kappa M}{v_\\mathrm{s*}}}` (Eq. A9) Parameters ---------- lc : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC, optional The light curve to which the model will be fit. Only used to get the redshift if `redshift` is not given. redshift : float, optional The redshift between blackbody source and the observed filters. Default: 0. Attributes ---------- z : float The redshift between blackbody source and the observed filters n : float The polytropic index of the progenitor A : float Coefficient on the luminosity suppression factor (Eq. A1) a : float Coefficient on the transparency timescale (Eq. A1) alpha : float Exponent on the transparency timescale (Eq. A1) L_br_0 : float Coefficient on the luminosity expression in erg/s (Eq. A6) T_col_br_0 : float Coefficient on the temperature expression in eV (Eq. A7) t_min_0 : float Coefficient on the minimum validity time in days (Eq. A3) t_br_0 : float Coefficient on the :math:`\\tilde{t}` timescale in days (Eq. A5) t_07eV_0 : float Coefficient on the time at which the ejecta reach 0.7 eV in days (Eq. A8) t_tr_0 : float Coefficient on the transparency timescale in days (Eq. A9) """ input_names = [ 'v_\\mathrm{s*}', 'M_\\mathrm{env}', 'f_\\rho M', 'R', 't_0', ] units = [ 10. ** 8.5 * / u.s, u.Msun, u.Msun, 1e13 *, u.d, ] def __init__(self, lc=None, redshift=0.): super().__init__(lc, redshift=redshift) self.A = 0.9 self.a = 2. self.alpha = 0.5 self.L_br_0 = 3.69e42 # erg / s self.T_col_br_0 = 8.19 # eV self.t_min_0 = 0.012 # d (17 min) self.t_br_0 = 0.036 # d (0.86 h) self.t_07eV_0 = 6.86 # d self.t_tr_0 = 19.5 # d
[docs] def temperature_radius(self, t_in, v_s, M_env, f_rho_M, R, t_exp=0., kappa=1.): t_br = self.t_br_0 * R ** 1.26 * v_s ** -1.13 * f_rho_M ** -0.13 # Eq. A5 L_br = self.L_br_0 * R ** 0.78 * v_s ** 2.11 * f_rho_M ** 0.11 * kappa ** -0.89 # Eq. A6 T_col_br = self.T_col_br_0 * R ** -0.32 * v_s ** 0.58 ** f_rho_M ** 0.03 * kappa ** -0.22 # Eq. A7 t_tr = self.t_tr_0 * np.sqrt(kappa * M_env / v_s) # Eq. A9 t = np.reshape(t_in, (-1, 1)) - t_exp ttilde = t / t_br L = L_br * (power(ttilde, -4. / 3.) + self.A * np.exp(-power(self.a * t / t_tr, self.alpha)) * power(ttilde, -0.17)) # Eq. A1 T_col = T_col_br * np.minimum(0.97 * power(ttilde, -1. / 3.), power(ttilde, -0.45)) # Eq. A2 T_K = np.squeeze(T_col) / k_B R_bb = c3 * np.squeeze(L) ** 0.5 * power(T_K, -2.) return T_K, R_bb
[docs] def evaluate(self, t_in, f, v_s, M_env, f_rho_M, R, t_exp=0., kappa=1.): """ Evaluate this model at a range of times and filters Parameters ---------- t_in : float, array-like Time in days f : lightcurve_fitting.filter.Filter, array-like Filters for which to calculate the model v_s : float, array-like The shock speed in :math:`10^{8.5}` cm/s M_env : float, array-like The envelope mass in solar masses f_rho_M : float, array-like The product :math:`f_ρ M`, where ":math:`f_ρ` is a numerical factor of order unity that depends on the inner envelope structure" and :math:`M` is the ejecta mass in solar masses R : float, array-like The progenitor radius in :math:`10^{13}` cm t_exp : float, array-like, optional The explosion epoch. Default: 0. kappa : float, array-like, optional The ejecta opacity in units of the electron scattering opacity (0.34 cm^2/g). Default: 1. Returns ------- y_fit : array-like The filtered model light curves """ T_K, R_bb = self.temperature_radius(t_in, v_s, M_env, f_rho_M, R, t_exp, kappa) lum_blackbody = blackbody_to_filters(f, T_K, R_bb, self.z) lum_suppressed = blackbody_to_filters(f, 0.74 * T_K, 0.74 ** -2. * R_bb, self.z) lum = np.minimum(lum_blackbody, lum_suppressed) # Eq. A4 return lum
[docs] def t_min(self, p, kappa=1.): """ The minimum time at which the model is valid :math:`t_\\mathrm{min} = (17\\,\\mathrm{min}) R + t_\\mathrm{exp}` (Eq. A3) """ R = p[3] t_exp = p[4] if len(p) > 4 else 0. return self.t_min_0 * R + t_exp # Eq. A3
[docs] def t_max(self, p, kappa=1.): """ The maximum time at which the model is valid :math:`t_\\mathrm{max} = \\min(t_\\mathrm{0.7\\,eV}, 0.5 t_\\mathrm{tr})` (Eq. A3) :math:`t_\\mathrm{0.7\\,eV} = (6.86\\,\\mathrm{d}) R^{0.56} v_\\mathrm{s*}^{0.16} \\kappa^{-0.61} (f_\\rho M)^{-0.06}` (Eq. A8) :math:`t_\\mathrm{tr} = (19.5\\,\\mathrm{d}) \\sqrt{\\frac{\\kappa M}{v_\\mathrm{s*}}}` (Eq. A9) """ v_s, M_env, f_rho_M, R, t_exp, *_ = p t_07eV = self.t_07eV_0 * R ** 0.56 * v_s ** 0.16 * kappa ** -0.61 * f_rho_M ** -0.06 # Eq. A8 t_tr = self.t_tr_0 ** np.sqrt(kappa * M_env / v_s) # Eq. A9 return np.minimum(t_07eV, t_tr / self.a) + t_exp # Eq. A3
sifto_filename = resource_filename('lightcurve_fitting', 'models/sifto.dat') sifto =, format='ascii')[3:] # the first three points are ~0 M_chandra = u.def_unit('M_chandra', 1.4 * u.Msun, format={'latex': 'M_\\mathrm{Ch}'})
[docs]class BaseCompanionShocking(Model): """ The companion shocking model of Kasen ( plus the SiFTO SN Ia model. As written by Hosseinzadeh et al. (, the shock component is defined by: :math:`R_\\mathrm{phot}(t) = (2700\\,R_\\odot) (M_c v_9^7)^{1/9} κ^{1/9} t^{7/9}` (Eq. 1) :math:`T_\\mathrm{eff}(t) = (25\\,\\mathrm{kK}) a_{13}^{1/4} (M_c v_9^7)^{1/144} κ^{-35/144} t^{37/72}` (Eq. 2) The SiFTO model ( is currently only available in the UBVgri filters. Parameters ---------- lc : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC, optional The light curve to which the model will be fit. Only used for `lc.meta['redshift']` if `z` is not given. redshift : float, optional The redshift between blackbody source and the observed filters. Default: 0. Attributes ---------- z : float The redshift between blackbody source and the observed filters sifto : astropy.table.Table A copy of the SiFTO model scaled to match the observed peak luminosity in each filter """ def __init__(self, lc, redshift=0.): super().__init__(lc, redshift=redshift) # make sure input light curve has luminosities if 'lum' not in lc.colnames: if 'absmag' not in lc.colnames: lc.calcAbsMag() lc.calcLum() self.sifto = {} dlt40 = filtdict['DLT40'] unfilt = filtdict['unfilt.'] for filt in set(lc['filter']): if filt.char in sifto.colnames or filt == dlt40: char = 'r' if filt == dlt40 else filt.char lc_filt = lc.where(filter=filt) sifto_scaled = sifto[char] * np.max(lc_filt['lum']) / np.max(sifto[char]) self.sifto[filt] = CubicSpline(sifto['Epoch'], sifto_scaled, extrapolate=False) elif filt != unfilt: raise Exception('No SiFTO template for filter ' + # assume unfiltered = DLT40 for now self.sifto[unfilt] = self.sifto[dlt40] def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: z={self.z:.3f}>'
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): return NotImplemented
[docs] @staticmethod def temperature_radius(t_in, t_exp, a13, Mc_v9_7, kappa=1.): """ Evaluate the color temperature and photospheric radius of the shock component as a function of time Parameters ---------- t_in : float, array-like Time in days t_exp : float, array-like The explosion epoch a13 : float, array-like The binary separation in :math:`10^{13}` cm Mc_v9_7 : float, array-like The product :math:`M_c v_9^7`, where :math:`M_c` is the ejecta mass in Chandrasekhar masses and :math:`v_9` is the ejecta velocity in units of :math:`10^9` cm/s kappa : float, array-like The ejecta opacity in units of the electron scattering opacity (0.34 cm^2/g) Returns ------- T_kasen : array-like The model blackbody temperatures in units of kilokelvins R_kasen : array-like The model blackbody radii in units of 1000 solar radii """ t = np.reshape(t_in, (-1, 1)) - t_exp T_kasen = np.squeeze(25. * power(a13 ** 36. * Mc_v9_7 * kappa ** -35. * power(t, -74.), 1. / 144.)) # kK R_kasen = np.squeeze(2.7 * power(kappa * Mc_v9_7 * t ** 7., 1. / 9.)) # kiloRsun return T_kasen, R_kasen
[docs] def companion_shocking(self, t_in, f, t_exp, a13, Mc_v9_7, kappa=1.): """ Evaluate the shock component only at a range of times and filters Parameters ---------- t_in : float, array-like Time in days f : lightcurve_fitting.filter.Filter, array-like Filters for which to calculate the model t_exp : float, array-like The explosion epoch a13 : float, array-like The binary separation in :math:`10^{13}` cm Mc_v9_7 : float, array-like The product :math:`M_c v_9^7`, where :math:`M_c` is the ejecta mass in Chandrasekhar masses and :math:`v_9` is the ejecta velocity in units of :math:`10^9` cm/s kappa : float, array-like The ejecta opacity in units of the electron scattering opacity (0.34 cm^2/g) Returns ------- y_fit : array-like The filtered model light curves """ T_kasen, R_kasen = self.temperature_radius(t_in, t_exp, a13, Mc_v9_7, kappa) Lnu_kasen = blackbody_to_filters(f, T_kasen, R_kasen, self.z) return Lnu_kasen
[docs] def stretched_sifto(self, t_in, f, t_peak, stretch, dtU=None, dti=None): """ The SiFTO SN Ia model (, offset and stretched by the input parameters The SiFTO model is currently only available in the UBVgri filters. We assume unfiltered photometry can be modeled as r. Parameters ---------- t_in : float, array-like Time in days f : lightcurve_fitting.filter.Filter, array-like Filters for which to calculate the model t_peak : float, array-like The epoch of maximum light for the SiFTO model stretch : float, array-like The stretch for the SiFTO model dtU, dti : float, array-like Time offsets for the U- and i-band models relative to the other bands Returns ------- y_fit : array-like The filtered model light curves """ dt_peak = {} if dtU is not None: dt_peak[filtdict['U']] = dtU if dti is not None: dt_peak[filtdict['i']] = dti t_wrt_peak = np.squeeze(np.reshape(t_in, (-1, 1)) - t_peak) if t_wrt_peak.ndim <= 1 and len(t_wrt_peak) == len(f): # pointwise Lnu_sifto = np.array([self.sifto[filt]((t - dt_peak.get(filt, 0.)) / stretch) for t, filt in zip(t_wrt_peak, f)]) elif t_wrt_peak.ndim <= 1: Lnu_sifto = np.array([self.sifto[filt]((t_wrt_peak - dt_peak.get(filt, 0.)) / stretch) for filt in f]) else: Lnu_sifto = np.array([np.transpose([self.sifto[filt]((t - dt) / s) for t, dt, s in zip(t_wrt_peak.T, dt_peak.get(filt, np.zeros_like(stretch)), stretch)]) for filt in f]) Lnu_sifto[np.isnan(Lnu_sifto)] = 0. # extrapolate all filters as zero return Lnu_sifto
[docs] @staticmethod def t_min(p): """ The minimum time at which the model is valid This is the first epoch at which the stretched SiFTO model is computed """ return p[3] + p[4] * sifto['Epoch'].min()
[docs] @staticmethod def t_max(p): """ The maximum time at which the model is valid This is the last epoch at which the stretched SiFTO model is computed """ return p[3] + p[4] * sifto['Epoch'].max()
[docs]class CompanionShocking(BaseCompanionShocking): """ The companion shocking model of Kasen ( plus the SiFTO SN Ia model. This version of the model includes factors on the r and i SiFTO models, and a factor on the U shock component. """ input_names = [ 't_0', 'a', 'M v^7', 't_\\mathrm{max}', 's', 'r_r', 'r_i', 'r_U' ] units = [ u.d, 10. ** 13. *, M_chandra * (1e9 * / u.s) ** 7, u.d, u.dimensionless_unscaled, u.dimensionless_unscaled, u.dimensionless_unscaled, u.dimensionless_unscaled ]
[docs] def evaluate(self, t_in, f, t_exp, a13, Mc_v9_7, t_peak, stretch, rr=1., ri=1., rU=1., kappa=1.): """ Evaluate this model at a range of times and filters Parameters ---------- t_in : float, array-like Time in days f : lightcurve_fitting.filter.Filter, array-like Filters for which to calculate the model t_exp : float, array-like The explosion epoch a13 : float, array-like The binary separation in :math:`10^{13}` cm Mc_v9_7 : float, array-like The product :math:`M_c v_9^7`, where :math:`M_c` is the ejecta mass in Chandrasekhar masses and :math:`v_9` is the ejecta velocity in units of :math:`10^9` cm/s t_peak : float, array-like The epoch of maximum light for the SiFTO model stretch : float, array-like The stretch for the SiFTO model rr : float, array-like A scale factor for the r-band SiFTO model ri : float, array-like A scale factor for the i-band SiFTO model rU : float, aray-like A scale factor for the U-band of the shock component kappa : float, array-like The ejecta opacity in units of the electron scattering opacity (0.34 cm^2/g) Returns ------- y_fit : array-like The filtered model light curves """ Lnu_kasen = self.companion_shocking(t_in, f, t_exp, a13, Mc_v9_7, kappa) Lnu_sifto = self.stretched_sifto(t_in, f, t_peak, stretch) sifto_factors = {'r': rr, 'i': ri} kasen_factors = {'U': rU} y_fit = np.array([L1 * kasen_factors.get(filt.char, 1.) + L2 * sifto_factors.get(filt.char, 1.) for L1, L2, filt in zip(Lnu_kasen, Lnu_sifto, f)]) return y_fit
[docs]class CompanionShocking2(BaseCompanionShocking): """ The companion shocking model of Kasen ( plus the SiFTO SN Ia model. This version of the model includes time offsets for the U and i SiFTO models. """ input_names = [ 't_0', 'a', 'M v^7', 't_\\mathrm{max}', 's', '\\Delta t_U', '\\Delta t_i', ] units = [ u.d, 10. ** 13. *, M_chandra * (1e9 * / u.s) ** 7, u.d, u.dimensionless_unscaled, u.d, u.d, ]
[docs] def evaluate(self, t_in, f, t_exp, a13, Mc_v9_7, t_peak, stretch, dtU=0., dti=0., kappa=1.): """ Evaluate this model at a range of times and filters Parameters ---------- t_in : float, array-like Time in days f : lightcurve_fitting.filter.Filter, array-like Filters for which to calculate the model t_exp : float, array-like The explosion epoch a13 : float, array-like The binary separation in :math:`10^{13}` cm Mc_v9_7 : float, array-like The product :math:`M_c v_9^7`, where :math:`M_c` is the ejecta mass in Chandrasekhar masses and :math:`v_9` is the ejecta velocity in units of :math:`10^9` cm/s t_peak : float, array-like The epoch of maximum light for the SiFTO model stretch : float, array-like The stretch for the SiFTO model dtU, dti : float, array-like Time offsets for the U- and i-band SiFTO models relative to the other bands kappa : float, array-like The ejecta opacity in units of the electron scattering opacity (0.34 cm^2/g) Returns ------- y_fit : array-like The filtered model light curves """ Lnu_kasen = self.companion_shocking(t_in, f, t_exp, a13, Mc_v9_7, kappa) Lnu_sifto = self.stretched_sifto(t_in, f, t_peak, stretch, dtU, dti) y_fit = Lnu_kasen + Lnu_sifto return y_fit
[docs]class CompanionShocking3(BaseCompanionShocking): """ The companion shocking model of Kasen ( plus the SiFTO SN Ia model. This version of the model includes time offsets for the U and i SiFTO models, as well as the viewing angle dependence parametrized by Brown et al. ( """ input_names = [ 't_0', 'a', '\\theta', 't_\\mathrm{max}', 's', '\\Delta t_U', '\\Delta t_i', ] units = [ u.d, 10. ** 13. *, u.deg, u.d, u.dimensionless_unscaled, u.d, u.d, ]
[docs] def evaluate(self, t_in, f, t_exp, a13, theta, t_peak, stretch, dtU, dti, kappa=1.): """ Evaluate this model at a range of times and filters Parameters ---------- t_in : float, array-like Time in days f : lightcurve_fitting.filter.Filter, array-like Filters for which to calculate the model t_exp : float, array-like The explosion epoch a13 : float, array-like The binary separation in :math:`10^{13}` cm theta : float, array-like The angle between the binary axis and the line to the observer in degrees. 0° means the binary companion is along the line of sight. t_peak : float, array-like The epoch of maximum light for the SiFTO model stretch : float, array-like The stretch for the SiFTO model dtU, dti : float, array-like Time offsets for the U- and i-band SiFTO models relative to the other bands kappa : float, array-like The ejecta opacity in units of the electron scattering opacity (0.34 cm^2/g) Returns ------- y_fit : array-like The filtered model light curves """ Lnu_kasen = self.companion_shocking(t_in, f, t_exp, a13, 1., kappa) Lnu_sifto = self.stretched_sifto(t_in, f, t_peak, stretch, dtU, dti) theta_rad = np.deg2rad(theta) fractional_flux = (0.5 * np.cos(theta_rad) + 0.5) * (0.14 * theta_rad ** 2. - 0.4 * theta_rad + 1.) y_fit = Lnu_kasen * fractional_flux + Lnu_sifto return y_fit
[docs]class Prior: __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, p_min=-np.inf, p_max=np.inf): self.p_min = p_min self.p_max = p_max def __call__(self, p): if self.p_min < p < self.p_max: return self.logp(p) else: return -np.inf
[docs] @abstractmethod def logp(self, p): pass
[docs]class UniformPrior(Prior): """ A uniform prior in the parameter, i.e., :math:`\\frac{dP}{dp} \\propto 1` """
[docs] def logp(self, p): return np.zeros_like(p)
[docs]class LogUniformPrior(Prior): """ A uniform prior in the logarithm of the parameter, i.e., :math:`\\frac{dP}{dp} \\propto \\frac{1}{p}` """ def __init__(self, p_min=0., p_max=np.inf): if p_min < 0.: raise ValueError('a log-uniform prior cannot have negative limits') super().__init__(p_min, p_max)
[docs] def logp(self, p): return -np.log(p)
[docs]class GaussianPrior(Prior): """ A Gaussian prior centered at `mean` with standard deviation `stddev`, i.e., :math:`\\frac{dP}{dp} \\propto \\exp \\left( \\frac{(p - \\mu)^2}{2 \\sigma^2} \\right)` """ def __init__(self, p_min=-np.inf, p_max=np.inf, mean=0., stddev=1.): super().__init__(p_min, p_max) self.mean = mean self.stddev = stddev
[docs] def logp(self, p): return -0.5 * ((p - self.mean) / self.stddev) ** 2.
c1 = (const.h / const.k_B).to(u.kK / u.THz).value c2 = 8 * np.pi ** 2 * (const.h / const.c ** 2).to(u.W / u.Hz / (1000 * u.Rsun) ** 2 / u.THz ** 3).value
[docs]def planck_fast(nu, T, R, cutoff_freq=np.inf): """ The Planck spectrum for a blackbody source :math:`L_ν = 4 π R^2 \\frac{2 π h ν^3 c^{-2}}{\\exp(h ν / k_B T) - 1}` Parameters ---------- nu : float, array-like Frequency in terahertz T : float, array-like Temperature in kilokelvins R : float, array-like Radius in units of 1000 solar radii cutoff_freq : float, optional Cutoff frequency (in terahertz) for a modified blackbody spectrum (see Returns ------- float, array-like The spectral luminosity density (:math:`L_ν`) of the source in watts per hertz """ return c2 * np.squeeze(np.multiply.outer(R ** 2, nu ** 3 * np.minimum(1., cutoff_freq / nu)) * power(np.exp(c1 * np.multiply.outer(power(T, -1.), nu)) - 1., -1.))
[docs]def blackbody_to_filters(filters, T, R, z=0., cutoff_freq=np.inf, ebv=0.): """ The average spectral luminosity density (:math:`L_ν`) of a blackbody as observed through one or more filters Parameters ---------- filters : lightcurve_fitting.filters.Filter, array-like One or more broadband filters T : float, array-like Blackbody temperatures in kilokelvins R : float, array-like Blackbody radii in units of 1000 solar radii z : float Redshift between the blackbody source and the observed filters cutoff_freq : float, optional Cutoff frequency (in terahertz) for a modified blackbody spectrum (see ebv : float, array-like, optional Selective extinction E(B-V) in magnitudes, evaluated using a Fitzpatrick (1999) extinction law with R_V=3.1. Its shape must be broadcastable to T and R. Default: 0. Returns ------- y_fit : float, array-like The average spectral luminosity density in each filter in watts per hertz """ T = np.array(T) R = np.array(R) if T.shape != R.shape: raise Exception('T & R must have the same shape') np.broadcast(T, ebv) # check if T and ebv are broadcastable, otherwise raise a ValueError if T.ndim == 1 and len(T) == len(filters): # pointwise y_fit = np.array([f.synthesize(planck_fast, t, r, cutoff_freq, z=z, ebv=ebv) for f, t, r in zip(filters, T, R)]) else: y_fit = np.array([f.synthesize(planck_fast, T, R, cutoff_freq, z=z, ebv=ebv) for f in filters]) return y_fit
[docs]def planck(nu, T, R, dT=0., dR=0., cov=0.): """ The Planck spectrum for a blackbody source, including propagation of uncertainties Parameters ---------- nu : float, array-like Frequency in terahertz T : float, array-like Temperature in kilokelvins R : float, array-like Radius in units of 1000 solar radii dT : float, array-like, optional Uncertainty in the temperature in kilokelvins dR : float, array-like, optional Uncertainty in the radius in units of 1000 solar radii cov : float, array-like, optional The covariance between the temperature and radius Returns ------- Lnu : float, array-like The spectral luminosity density (:math:`L_ν`) of the source in watts per hertz dLnu : float, array-like The uncertainty in the spectral luminosity density in watts per hertz """ Lnu = planck_fast(nu, T, R) if not dT and not dR and not cov: return Lnu dlogLdT = c1 * nu * T ** -2 / (1 - np.exp(-c1 * nu / T)) dlogLdR = 2. / R dLnu = Lnu * (dlogLdT ** 2 * dT ** 2 + dlogLdR ** 2 * dR ** 2 + 2. * dlogLdT * dlogLdR * cov) ** 0.5 return Lnu, dLnu