Source code for lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.path import Path
from astropy.table import Table, vstack, MaskedColumn
from astropy.cosmology import Planck18
from .filters import filtdict
import itertools
from matplotlib.markers import MarkerStyle
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
from functools import partial
    from config import markers
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    markers = {}

[docs]class Arrow(Path): """ An downward-pointing arrow-shaped ``Path``, whose head has half-width ``hx`` and height ``hy`` (in units of length) """ def __init__(self, hx, hy): verts = [(0, 0), (0, -1), (-hx, -1 + hy), (0, -1), (hx, -1 + hy), (0, -1), (0, 0)] codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY] Path.__init__(self, verts, codes)
arrow = Arrow(0.2, 0.3) othermarkers = ('o', *MarkerStyle.filled_markers[2:]) itermarkers = itertools.cycle(othermarkers) usedmarkers = [] itercolors = itertools.cycle(plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']) # if you edit this list, also add the new names to usage.rst column_names = { 'Filter': ['filter', 'filt', 'Filter', 'band', 'FLT', 'Band'], 'Telescope': ['telescope', 'Telescope', 'Tel', 'tel+inst'], 'Source': ['source', 'Source'], 'Apparent Magnitude': ['mag', 'Magnitude', 'Mag', 'ab_mag', 'PSFmag', 'MAG', 'omag', 'magnitude', 'apparent_mag'], 'Apparent Magnitude Uncertainty': [ 'dmag', 'Magnitude_Error', 'magerr', 'MagErr', 'mag_err', 'e_mag', 'Error', 'err', 'PSFerr', 'MAGERR', 'e_omag', 'e_magnitude', 'apparent_mag_err', 'Mag_Err', 'emag', 'error', ], 'MJD': ['MJD', 'mjd'], 'JD': ['JD', 'jd'], 'Phase (rest days)': ['phase', 'Phase', 'PHASE'], 'Flux $F_ν$ (W m$^{-2}$ Hz$^{-1}$)': ['flux', 'FLUXCAL'], 'Flux Uncertainty': ['dflux', 'FLUXCALERR'], 'Nondetection': ['nondet', 'Is_Limit', 'UL', 'l_omag', 'upper_limit', 'upperlimit'], 'Absolute Magnitude': ['absmag'], 'Luminosity $L_ν$ (W Hz$^{-1}$)': ['lum'], 'Luminosity Uncertainty': ['dlum'], 'Effective Wavelength (nm)': ['wl_eff'], # calculated from filters; does not need to be in usage.rst }
[docs]class LC(Table): """ A broadband light curve, stored as an :class:`astropy.table.Table` Attributes ---------- nondetSigmas : float Significance level implied by nondetections in the light curve. Default: 3σ groupby : set Column names to group by when binning the light curve. Default: ``{'filter', 'source'}`` markers : dict Mapping of some light curve property (default: ``'source'`` or ``'telescope'``) to marker shapes """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Table.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.normalize_column_names() if 'filter' in self.colnames and self['filter'].dtype != object: self.filters_to_objects() self.nondetSigmas = 3. self.groupby = {'filter', 'source'} self.markers = markers.copy() self.colors = {}
[docs] def where(self, **kwargs): """ Select the subset of a light curve matching some criteria, given as keyword arguments, e.g., ``colname=value``. The keyword ``colname`` can be any of the following: * a column in the table, in which case rows must match ``value`` in that column * a column in the table + ``_not``, in which case rows must *not* match ``value`` in that column * a column in the table + ``_min``, in which case rows must be >= ``value`` in that column * a column in the table + ``_max``, in which case rows must be <= ``value`` in that column ``value`` must match the data type of the column ``colname`` and can either be a single value or a list of values. If ``value`` is a list, rows must match at least one of the values. If ``value`` is a list and ``colname`` ends in ``_not``, rows must not match any of the values. """ use = np.tile(True, len(self)) for col, val in kwargs.items(): if col.startswith('filter'): # allow constraints like filter='r' so the user does not need to use filtdict if isinstance(val, str): val = filtdict[val] elif isinstance(val, list): val = [filtdict[v] if isinstance(v, str) else v for v in val] if isinstance(val, list): if '_not' in col: use1 = np.tile(True, len(self)) for v in val: use1 &= self[col.replace('_not', '')] != v else: use1 = np.tile(False, len(self)) for v in val: use1 |= self[col] == v elif '_min' in col: use1 = self[col.replace('_min', '')] >= val elif '_max' in col: use1 = self[col.replace('_max', '')] <= val elif '_not' in col: if val is None: use1 = np.array([v is not None for v in self[col.replace('_not', '')]]) else: use1 = self[col.replace('_not', '')] != val else: if val is None: use1 = np.array([v is None for v in self[col]]) else: use1 = self[col] == val use &= use1 selected = self[use] selected.markers = self.markers return selected
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): return self[key] if key in self.colnames else default
[docs] def normalize_column_names(self): """ Rename any recognizable columns to their standard names for this package (see `lightcurve.column_names`). """ for good_key, *bad_keys in column_names.values(): if good_key not in self.colnames: for bad_key in bad_keys: if bad_key in self.colnames: self.rename_column(bad_key, good_key) break if 'MJD' not in self.colnames and 'JD' in self.colnames: self['MJD'] = self['JD'] - 2400000.5 self.remove_column('JD') if 'nondet' in self.colnames and self['nondet'].dtype != bool: if isinstance(self['nondet'], MaskedColumn): self['nondet'] = self['nondet'].filled() nondet = (self['nondet'] == 'True') | (self['nondet'] == 'T') | (self['nondet'] == '>') self.replace_column('nondet', nondet)
[docs] def filters_to_objects(self): """ Parse the ``'filter'`` column into :class:`filters.Filter` objects """ filters = np.array([filtdict['0'] if else filtdict.get(str(f), filtdict['?']) for f in self['filter']]) is_swift = np.zeros(len(self), bool) if 'telescope' in self.colnames: is_swift |= self['telescope'] == 'Swift' is_swift |= self['telescope'] == 'UVOT' is_swift |= self['telescope'] == 'Swift/UVOT' is_swift |= self['telescope'] == 'Swift+UVOT' if 'source' in self.colnames: is_swift |= self['source'] == 'SOUSA' if is_swift.any(): for filt, swiftfilt in zip('UBV', 'sbv'): filters[is_swift & (self['filter'] == filt)] = filtdict[swiftfilt] self.replace_column('filter', filters)
@property def zp(self): """ Returns an array of zero points for each filter in the ``'filter'`` column """ return np.array([f.m0 for f in self['filter']])
[docs] def calcFlux(self, nondetSigmas=None, zp=None): """ Calculate the ``'flux'`` and ``'dflux'`` columns from the ``'mag'`` and ``'dmag'`` columns Parameters ---------- nondetSigmas : float, optional Significance level implied by nondetections in the light curve. Default: 3σ zp : float, array-like, optional Array of zero points for each magnitude. Default: standard for each filter """ if nondetSigmas is not None: self.nondetSigmas = nondetSigmas if zp is None: zp = self.zp self['flux'], self['dflux'] = mag2flux(self['mag'], self['dmag'], zp, self.get('nondet'), self.nondetSigmas)
[docs] def bin(self, delta=0.3, groupby=None): """ Bin the light curve by averaging points within ``delta`` days of each other Parameters ---------- delta : float, optional Bin size, in days. Default: 0.3 days groupby : set, optional Column names to group by before binning. Default: ``{'filter', 'source'}`` Returns ------- lc : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC Binned light curve """ if groupby is not None: self.groupby = groupby subtabs = [] self.groupby = list(set(self.groupby) & set(self.colnames)) if self.groupby: grouped = self.group_by(self.groupby) else: grouped = self for g, k in zip(grouped.groups, grouped.groups.keys): mjd, flux, dflux = binflux(g['MJD'], g['flux'], g['dflux'], delta) binned = LC([mjd, flux, dflux], names=['MJD', 'flux', 'dflux']) for key in self.groupby: binned[key] = k[key] subtabs.append(binned) lc = vstack(subtabs) lc.meta = self.meta return lc
[docs] def findNondet(self, nondetSigmas=None): """ Add a boolean column ``'nondet'`` indicating flux measurements that are below the detection threshold Parameters ---------- nondetSigmas : float, optional Significance level implied by nondetections in the light curve. Default: 3σ """ if nondetSigmas is not None: self.nondetSigmas = nondetSigmas self['nondet'] = self['flux'] < self.nondetSigmas * self['dflux']
[docs] def calcMag(self, nondetSigmas=None, zp=None): """ Calculate the ``'mag'`` and ``'dmag'`` columns from the ``'flux'`` and ``'dflux'`` columns Parameters ---------- nondetSigmas : float, optional Significance level implied by nondetections in the light curve. Default: 3σ zp : float, array-like, optional Array of zero points for each magnitude. Default: standard for each filter """ if nondetSigmas is not None: self.nondetSigmas = nondetSigmas self.findNondet() if zp is None: zp = self.zp self['mag'], self['dmag'] = flux2mag(self['flux'], self['dflux'], zp, self.get('nondet'), self.nondetSigmas)
[docs] def calcAbsMag(self, dm=None, extinction=None, hostext=None, ebv=None, rv=None, host_ebv=None, host_rv=None, redshift=None): """ Calculate the ``'absmag'`` column from the ``'mag'`` column by correcting for distance and extinction Parameters ---------- dm : float, optional Distance modulus. Default: calculate from ``redshift``. extinction : dict, optional Milky Way extinction coefficients :math:`A_λ` for each filter. Default: calculate from ``ebv`` and ``rv``. hostext : dict, optional Host galaxy extinction coefficients :math:`A_λ` for each filter. Default: calculate from ``host_ebv`` and ``host_rv``. ebv : float, optional Milky Way selective extinction :math:`E(B-V)`, used if ``extinction`` is not given. Default: 0. host_ebv : float, optional Host galaxy selective extinction :math:`E(B-V)`, used if ``hostext`` is not given. Default: 0. rv : float, optional Ratio of total to selective Milky Way extinction :math:`R_V`, used with the ``ebv`` argument. Default: 3.1. host_rv : float, optional Ratio of total to selective host-galaxy extinction :math:`R_V`, used with the ``host_ebv`` argument. Default: 3.1. redshift : float, optional Redshift of the host galaxy. Used to redshift the filters for host galaxy extinction. If no distance modulus is given, a redshift-dependent distance is calculated using the Planck18 cosmology. Default: 0. """ if redshift is not None: self.meta['redshift'] = redshift elif 'redshift' not in self.meta: self.meta['redshift'] = 0. if dm is not None: self.meta['dm'] = dm elif 'dm' not in self.meta and self.meta.get('redshift'): self.meta['dm'] = Planck18.distmod(self.meta['redshift']).value print('using a redshift-dependent distance modulus') elif 'dm' not in self.meta: self.meta['dm'] = 0. if ebv is None: ebv = self.meta.get('ebv') if host_ebv is None: host_ebv = self.meta.get('host_ebv') if rv is None: rv = self.meta.get('rv', 3.1) if host_rv is None: host_rv = self.meta.get('host_rv', 3.1) if extinction is not None: self.meta['extinction'] = extinction elif 'extinction' not in self.meta: self.meta['extinction'] = { f.extinction(ebv, rv) for f in set(self['filter']) if f.wl_eff is not None and ebv is not None} if hostext is not None: self.meta['hostext'] = hostext elif 'hostext' not in self.meta: self.meta['hostext'] = { f.extinction(host_ebv, host_rv, self.meta.get('z', 0.)) for f in set(self['filter']) if f.wl_eff is not None and host_ebv is not None} self['absmag'] = self['mag'].data - self.meta['dm'] for filtobj in set(self['filter']): for filt in filtobj.names: if filt in self.meta['extinction']: self['absmag'][self['filter'] == filtobj] -= self.meta['extinction'][filt] break else: print('MW extinction not applied to filter', filtobj) for filt in filtobj.names: if filt in self.meta['hostext']: self['absmag'][self['filter'] == filtobj] -= self.meta['hostext'][filt] break else: print('host extinction not applied to filter', filtobj)
[docs] def calcLum(self, nondetSigmas=None): """ Calculate the ``'lum'`` and ``'dlum'`` columns from the ``'absmag'`` and ``'dmag'`` columns Parameters ---------- nondetSigmas : float, optional Significance level implied by nondetections in the light curve. Default: 3σ """ if nondetSigmas is not None: self.nondetSigmas = nondetSigmas self['lum'], self['dlum'] = mag2flux(self['absmag'], self['dmag'], self.zp + 90.19, self.get('nondet'), self.nondetSigmas)
[docs] def findPeak(self, **criteria): """ Find the peak of the light curve and store it in ``.meta['peakdate']`` Parameters ---------- criteria : dict, optional Use only a subset of the light curve matching some criteria when calculating the peak date (stored in ``.meta['peakcriteria']``) """ if 'nondet' in self.colnames: criteria['nondet'] = False peaktable = self.where(**criteria) if len(peaktable): imin = np.argmin(peaktable['mag']) self.meta['peakdate'] = peaktable['MJD'][imin] self.meta['peakcriteria'] = criteria else: print(f'no data match these criteria: {criteria}')
[docs] def calcPhase(self, rdsp=False, hours=False): """ Calculate the rest-frame ``'phase'`` column from ``'MJD'``, ``.meta['refmjd']``, and ``.meta['redshift']`` Parameters ---------- rdsp : bool, optional Define phase as rest-frame days since peak, rather than rest-frame days since explosion hours : bool, optional Give the phase in rest-frame hours instead of rest-frame days """ if 'refmjd' not in self.meta: if rdsp and self.meta.get('peakdate') is None: raise Exception('must run lc.findPeak() first') elif rdsp: self.meta['refmjd'] = self.meta['peakdate'] elif self.meta.get('explosion') is not None: self.meta['refmjd'] = self.meta['explosion'] else: if 'nondet' in self.colnames: detections = self.where(nondet=False) else: detections = self self.meta['refmjd'] = np.min(detections['MJD'].data) self['phase'] = (self['MJD'].data - self.meta['refmjd']) / (1 + self.meta['redshift']) if 'dMJD0' in self.colnames: self['dphase0'] = self['dMJD0'] / (1. + self.meta['redshift']) if 'dMJD1' in self.colnames: self['dphase1'] = self['dMJD1'] / (1. + self.meta['redshift']) if hours: self['phase'] *= 24. if 'dphase0' in self.colnames: self['dphase0'] *= 24. if 'dphase1' in self.colnames: self['dphase1'] *= 24.
[docs] def plot(self, xcol='phase', ycol='absmag', offset_factor=1., color='filter', marker=None, use_lines=False, normalize=False, fillmark=True, mjd_axis=True, appmag_axis=True, loc_mark=None, loc_filt=None, ncol_mark=1, lgd_filters=None, tight_layout=True, phase_hours=False, return_axes=False, **kwargs): """ Plot the light curve, with nondetections marked with a downward-pointing arrow Parameters ---------- xcol : str, optional Column to plot on the horizontal axis. Default: ``'phase'`` ycol : str, optional Column to plot on the vertical axis. Default: ``'absmag'`` offset_factor : float, optional Increase or decrease the filter offsets by a constant factor. Default: 1. color : str, optional Column that controls the color of the lines and points. Default: ``'filter'`` marker : str, optional Column that controls the marker shape. Default: ``'source'`` or ``'telescope'`` use_lines : bool, optional Connect light curve points with lines. Default: False normalize : bool, optional Normalize all light curves to peak at 0. Default: False fillmark : bool, optional Fill each marker with color. Default: True mjd_axis : bool, optional Plot MJD on the upper x-axis. Must have ``.meta['redshift']`` and ``.meta['refmjd']``. Default: True. appmag_axis : bool, optional Plot extinction-corrected apparent magnitude on the right y-axis. Must have ``.meta['dm']``. Default: True. loc_mark, loc_filt : str, optional Location for the marker and filter legends, respectively. Set to 'none' to omit them. Three new options are available: 'above', 'above left', and 'above right'. ``mjd_axis`` and/or ``appmag_axis`` must be used to add these legends. Otherwise run ``plt.legend()`` after plotting for a single simple legend. Default: no legend. ncol_mark : int, optional Number of columns in the marker legend. Default: 1. lgd_filters : list, array-like, optional Customize the arrangement of filters in the legend by providing a list of filters for each column. ``None`` can be used to leave a blank space in the column. Only filters given here will be used. The default arrangement shows all filters arranged by ``.system`` (columns) and ``.offset`` (rows). tight_layout : bool, optional Adjust the figure margins to look beautiful. Default: True. phase_hours : bool, optional Plot the phase in units of rest-frame hours instead of rest-frame days. Default: False. return_axes : bool, optional Return the newly created axes if ``mjd_axis=True`` or ``appmag_axis=True``. Default: False. kwargs Keyword arguments matching column names in the light curve are used to specify a subset of points to plot. Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns ------- top : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, optional The upper x-axis, if ``mjd_axis=True`` and ``return_axes=True``. Otherwise, None. right : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, optional The right y-axis, if ``appmag_axis=True`` and ``return_axes=True``. Otherwise, None. """ if xcol.startswith('filter'): unit = xcol.split(':')[-1] if ':' in xcol else None xcol = 'wl_eff' self[xcol] = [ if unit else f.wl_eff for f in self['filter']] xchoices = ['phase', 'MJD'] while xcol not in self.keys(): xchoices.remove(xcol) if xchoices: xcol = xchoices[0] else: raise Exception('no columns found for x-axis') ychoices = ['absmag', 'mag'] while ycol not in self.keys(): ychoices.remove(ycol) if ychoices: ycol = ychoices[0] else: raise Exception('no columns found for y-axis') if marker is None: if 'source' in self.colnames: marker = 'source' elif 'telescope' in self.colnames: marker = 'telescope' else: marker = 'o' criteria = {key: val for key, val in kwargs.items() if key in self.colnames} plot_kwargs = {key: val for key, val in kwargs.items() if key not in self.colnames} plottable = self.where(**criteria) if len(plottable) == 0: return groupby = set() if color in plottable.keys(): groupby.add(color) if marker in plottable.keys(): groupby.add(marker) if groupby: plottable = plottable.group_by(list(groupby)) keys = plottable.groups.keys else: keys = [Table()] linestyle = plot_kwargs.pop('linestyle', plot_kwargs.pop('ls', self.meta.get('linestyle', self.meta.get('ls')))) linewidth = plot_kwargs.pop('linewidth', plot_kwargs.pop('lw', self.meta.get('linewidth', self.meta.get('lw')))) ms = plot_kwargs.pop('markersize', plot_kwargs.pop('ms', plt.rcParams['lines.markersize'])) for g, k in zip(plottable.groups, keys): filt = g['filter'][0] if color == 'filter': col = filt.color mec = filt.mec elif color == 'name' and 'plotcolor' in self.meta: col = self.meta['plotcolor'] mec = col if col not in ['w', '#FFFFFF'] else 'k' elif g[color][0] in self.colors: col = self.colors[g[color][0]] mec = col if col not in ['w', '#FFFFFF'] else 'k' else: col = mec = next(itercolors) self.colors[g[color][0]] = col mfc = col if fillmark else 'none' if marker == 'name' and 'marker' in self.meta: mark = self.meta['marker'] elif marker in plottable.keys(): if g[marker][0] not in self.markers: for nextmarker in othermarkers: if nextmarker not in usedmarkers: self.markers[g[marker][0]] = nextmarker break else: self.markers[g[marker][0]] = next(itermarkers) mark = self.markers[g[marker][0]] elif marker in MarkerStyle.markers: mark = marker elif marker == 'none': mark = None else: mark = next(itermarkers) usedmarkers.append(mark) if use_lines: g.sort(xcol) elif 'mag' in ycol: yerr = g['dmag'] else: yerr = g['d' + ycol] x = g[xcol].data y = g[ycol].data - filt.offset * offset_factor if normalize and ycol == 'mag': if 'peakmag' in self.meta: y -= self.meta['peakmag'] else: print("must set .meta['peakmag'] to use normalize") elif normalize and ycol == 'absmag': if 'peakabsmag' in self.meta: y -= self.meta['peakmag'] else: print("must set .meta['peakabsmag'] to use normalize") if 'mag' in ycol and 'nondet' in g.keys() and marker: # don't plot if no markers used plt.plot(x[g['nondet']], y[g['nondet']], marker=arrow, linestyle='none', ms=ms / 6. * 25., mec=mec, **plot_kwargs) if 'filter' in k.colnames: if len( >= 4 and not filt.offset: k['filter'] = elif offset_factor: k['filter'] = '${}{:+.0f}$'.format(, -filt.offset * offset_factor) else: k['filter'] = '${}$'.format( label = ' '.join([str(kv) for kv in k.values()]) if not use_lines: plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr, color=mec, mfc=mfc, mec=mec, ms=ms, marker=mark, linestyle='none', label=label, **plot_kwargs) elif 'mag' in ycol and 'nondet' in g.colnames: plt.plot(x[~g['nondet']], y[~g['nondet']], color=col, mfc=mfc, mec=mec, ms=ms, marker=mark, label=label, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, **plot_kwargs) plt.plot(x[g['nondet']], y[g['nondet']], color=mec, mfc=mfc, mec=mec, ms=ms, marker=mark, linestyle='none', **plot_kwargs) else: plt.plot(x, y, color=col, mfc=mfc, mec=mec, ms=ms, marker=mark, label=label, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, **plot_kwargs) # format axes ymin, ymax = plt.ylim() if 'mag' in ycol and ymax > ymin: plt.ylim(ymax, ymin) lgd_title = None for axlabel, keys in column_names.items(): if xcol in keys: if xcol == 'phase' and phase_hours: axlabel = axlabel.replace('days', 'hours') plt.xlabel(axlabel) elif ycol in keys: plt.ylabel(axlabel) elif marker in keys: lgd_title = axlabel # add auxiliary axes mjd_axis = mjd_axis and xcol == 'phase' and 'redshift' in self.meta and 'refmjd' in self.meta appmag_axis = appmag_axis and ycol == 'absmag' and 'dm' in self.meta if mjd_axis or appmag_axis: xfunc = partial(self._phase2mjd, hours=phase_hours) top, right = aux_axes(xfunc if mjd_axis else None, self._abs2app if appmag_axis else None) if mjd_axis: top.xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) top.set_xlabel('MJD') if appmag_axis: right.set_ylabel('Apparent Magnitude') # add legends if marker in self.colnames: labels = sorted(set(self[marker]), key=lambda s: s.lower()) lines = [] for label in labels: if marker == color: mec = mfc = self.colors[label] else: mec = 'k' mfc = 'none' line = plt.Line2D([], [], mec=mec, mfc=mfc, ms=ms, marker=self.markers[label], linestyle='none') lines.append(line) custom_legend(top, lines, labels, ncol=ncol_mark, loc=loc_mark, title=lgd_title, frameon=True) if color == 'filter': if lgd_filters is None: lgd_filters = set(self['filter']) lines, labels, ncol = filter_legend(lgd_filters, offset_factor) custom_legend(right, lines, labels, loc=loc_filt, ncol=ncol, title='Filter', frameon=True) if tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() if return_axes and (mjd_axis or appmag_axis): return top, right
def _phase2mjd(self, phase, hours=False): return phase * (1. + self.meta['redshift']) / (24. if hours else 1.) + self.meta['refmjd'] def _abs2app(self, absmag): return absmag + self.meta['dm'] # extinction-corrected apparent magnitude
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filepath, format='ascii', fill_values=None, **kwargs): if fill_values is None: fill_values = [('--', '0'), ('', '0')] t = super(LC, cls).read(filepath, format=format, fill_values=fill_values, **kwargs) return t
[docs] def write(self, *args, **kwargs): # Filter is not serializable, so produce a copy of the LC object with 'filter' as a string out = Table(self) if 'filter' in out.colnames: out.replace_column('filter', self['filter'].astype(str)) out.write(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def aux_axes(xfunc=None, yfunc=None, ax0=None, xfunc_args=None, yfunc_args=None): """ Add auxiliary axes to a plot that are linear transformations of the existing axes Parameters ---------- xfunc : function, optional Function that transforms the lower x-axis to the upper x-axis. Default: do not add an upper x-axis. yfunc : function, optional Function that transforms the left y-axis to the right y-axis. Default: do not add a right y-axis. ax0 : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, optional Existing axes object. Default: use the current Axes. xfunc_args, yfunc_args : dict, optional Keyword arguments for ``xfunc`` and ``yfunc``, respectively Returns ------- top : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes The upper x-axis, if any. Otherwise, None. right : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes The right y-axis, if any. Otherwise, None. """ if xfunc_args is None: xfunc_args = {} if yfunc_args is None: yfunc_args = {} if not ax0: ax0 = plt.gca() lims = np.array(ax0.axis()) if xfunc is not None: ax0.xaxis.tick_bottom() lims[:2] = xfunc(lims[:2], **xfunc_args) top = ax0.twiny() top.axis(lims) else: top = ax0 if yfunc is not None: ax0.yaxis.tick_left() lims[2:] = yfunc(lims[2:], **yfunc_args) right = top.twinx() right.axis(lims) else: right = None return top, right
[docs]def custom_legend(ax, handles, labels, top_axis=True, **kwargs): """ Add a legend to the axes with options for ``loc='above'``, ``loc='above left'``, and ``loc='above right'`` Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Axes or Figure object to which to add the legend handles : list of matplotlib.pyplot.Artist A list of Artists (lines, patches) to be added to the legend labels : list of str A list of labels to show next to the handles top_axis : bool, optional For legends above the top of the plot, add extra padding to the upper x-axis labels. Default: True. kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend` Returns ------- lgd : matplotlib.legend.Legend The Legend object """ loc = kwargs.pop('loc', None) bbox_to_anchor = kwargs.pop('bbox_to_anchor', None) if top_axis: top_of_axis = 1.15 else: top_of_axis = 1. if loc is None or loc.lower() == 'none': return elif loc == 'above': loc = 'lower center' bbox_to_anchor = (0.5, top_of_axis) elif loc == 'above left': loc = 'lower left' bbox_to_anchor = (0., top_of_axis) elif loc == 'above right': loc = 'lower right' bbox_to_anchor = (1., top_of_axis) lgd = ax.legend(handles, labels, loc=loc, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_to_anchor, **kwargs) plt.tight_layout() # adjusts the top of the axes to make room for 'above' legends return lgd
[docs]def filter_legend(filts, offset_factor=1.): """ Creates dummy artists and labels for the filter legend using the filter properties Parameters ---------- filts : set, list, array-like If a list or array of strings, the arrangement of filters in the legend, with columns in the first dimension and rows in the second. If a set of :class:`.Filter` objects, they will first be arranged using :func:`.filtsetup`. offset_factor : float, optional Increase or decrease the filter offsets by a constant factor. Default: 1. Returns ------- lines : list of matplotlib.pyplot.Artist A list of Artists (lines, patches) to be added to the legend labels : list of str A list of labels to show next to the handles ncol : int Number of columns needed for the filter legend """ lines = [] labels = [] if isinstance(filts, set): filts = filtsetup(filts) elif isinstance(filts[0], str) or (isinstance(filts[0], list) and isinstance(filts[0][0], str)): filts = np.vectorize(filtdict.get)(filts) for filt in filts.flatten(): if filt is None: labels.append('') lines.append(Patch(color='none', ec='none')) else: col = filt.color ec = filt.mec off = filt.offset * offset_factor if not filt.italics: labels.append( elif offset_factor: labels.append('${}{:+g}$'.format(, -off)) else: labels.append('${}$'.format( lines.append(Patch(fc=col, ec=ec)) return lines, labels, filts.shape[0]
[docs]def filtsetup(filts): """ Arrange filters in a grid according to their system (columns) and offset (rows) Parameters ---------- filts : set A set of :class:`.Filter` objects to be arranged Returns ------- lgnd : numpy.array A 2D array of :class:`.Filter` objects """ sysrows = dict() for filt in filts: if filt.system in sysrows: sysrows[filt.system].add(filt.offset) else: sysrows[filt.system] = {filt.offset} syscols = dict() rowcols = [] for sys in list(sysrows.keys()): for i, rows in enumerate(rowcols): if not rows & sysrows[sys]: syscols[sys] = i rows |= sysrows[sys] break else: syscols[sys] = len(rowcols) rowcols.append(sysrows[sys]) offs = sorted({filt.offset for filt in filts}, reverse=True) lgnd = np.tile(None, (len(rowcols), len(offs))) for filt in filts: if lgnd[syscols[filt.system], offs.index(filt.offset)] is None: lgnd[syscols[filt.system], offs.index(filt.offset)] = filt else: offind = offs.index(filt.offset) + 1 offs.insert(offind, filt.offset) newrow = np.tile(None, lgnd.shape[0]) newrow[syscols[filt.system]] = filt lgnd = np.insert(lgnd, offind, newrow, 1) while lgnd[0, 0] is None: lgnd = np.roll(lgnd, 1, axis=0) return lgnd
[docs]def flux2mag(flux, dflux=np.array(np.nan), zp=0., nondet=None, nondetSigmas=3.): """ Convert flux (and uncertainty) to magnitude (and uncertainty). Nondetections are converted to limiting magnitudes. Parameters ---------- flux : float, array-like Flux to be converted dflux : float, array-like, optional Uncertainty on the flux to be converted. Default: :mod:`numpy.nan` zp : float, array-like, optional Zero point to be applied to the magnitudes nondet : array-like Boolean or index array indicating the nondetections among the fluxes. Default: no nondetections nondetSigmas : float, optional Significance level implied by nondetections in the light curve. Default: 3σ Returns ------- mag : float, array-like Magnitude corresponding to the input flux dmag : float, array-like Uncertainty on the output magnitude """ flux = flux.copy() dflux = dflux.copy() if nondet is not None: flux[nondet] = nondetSigmas * dflux[nondet] dflux[nondet] = np.nan mag = -2.5 * np.log10(flux, out=np.full_like(flux, -np.inf), where=flux > 0.) + zp dmag = 2.5 * dflux / (flux * np.log(10)) return mag, dmag
[docs]def mag2flux(mag, dmag=np.nan, zp=0., nondet=None, nondetSigmas=3.): """ Convert magnitude (and uncertainty) to flux (and uncertainty). Nondetections are assumed to imply zero flux. Parameters ---------- mag : float, array-like Magnitude to be converted dmag : float, array-like, optional Uncertainty on the magnitude to be converted. Default: :mod:`numpy.nan` zp : float, array-like, optional Zero point to be applied to the magnitudes nondet : array-like Boolean or index array indicating the nondetections among the fluxes. Default: no nondetections nondetSigmas : float, optional Significance level implied by nondetections in the light curve. Default: 3σ Returns ------- flux : float, array-like Flux corresponding to the input magnitude dflux : float, array-like Uncertainty on the output flux """ flux = 10 ** ((zp - mag) / 2.5) dflux = np.log(10) / 2.5 * flux * dmag if nondet is not None: dflux[nondet] = flux[nondet] / nondetSigmas flux[nondet] = 0 return flux, dflux
[docs]def binflux(time, flux, dflux, delta=0.2, include_zero=True): """ Bin a light curve by averaging points within ``delta`` of each other in time Parameters ---------- time, flux, dflux : array-like Arrays of times, fluxes, and uncertainties comprising the observed light curve delta : float, optional Bin size, in the same units as ``time``. Default: 0.2 include_zero : bool, optional Include data points with no error bar Returns ------- time, flux, dflux : array-like Binned arrays of times, fluxes, and uncertainties """ bin_time = [] bin_flux = [] bin_dflux = [] while len(flux) > 0: grp = np.array(abs(time - time[0]) <= delta) time_grp = time[grp] flux_grp = flux[grp] dflux_grp = dflux[grp] # Indices with no error bar zeros = (dflux_grp == 0) | (dflux_grp == 999) | (dflux_grp == 9999) | (dflux_grp == -1) | np.isnan(dflux_grp) if zeros = | dflux_grp.mask if any(zeros) and include_zero: x = np.mean(time_grp) y = np.mean(flux_grp) z = 0. else: # Remove points with no error bars time_grp = time_grp[~zeros] flux_grp = flux_grp[~zeros] dflux_grp = dflux_grp[~zeros] x = np.mean(time_grp) y = np.sum(flux_grp * dflux_grp ** -2) / np.sum(dflux_grp ** -2) z = np.sum(dflux_grp ** -2) ** -0.5 # Append result bin_time.append(x) bin_flux.append(y) bin_dflux.append(z) # Remove data points already used time = time[~grp] flux = flux[~grp] dflux = dflux[~grp] time = np.array(bin_time) flux = np.array(bin_flux) dflux = np.array(bin_dflux) return time, flux, dflux