Source code for lightcurve_fitting.filters

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.table import Table
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as const
import os
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from functools import total_ordering
from extinction import fitzpatrick99

c = * u.THz).value

[docs]def extinction_law(freq, ebv, rv=3.1): """ A vectorized version of the Fitzpatrick (1999) extinction law from the ``extinction`` package Parameters ---------- freq : array-like Frequencies in THz in the frame of the dust ebv : array-like Selective extinction :math:`E(B-V)` in magnitudes rv : float, optional Ratio of total to selective extinction :math:`R_V`. Default: 3.1. Returns ------- extinction : array-like Extinction factor :math:`10^{A/-2.5}` at each input wavelength. """ A = np.squeeze([fitzpatrick99(c / freq, rv * e, rv) for e in np.atleast_1d(ebv)]) return 10. ** (A / -2.5)
[docs]@total_ordering class Filter: """ A broadband photometric filter described by its transmission function and its associated photometric system Parameters ---------- names : str, list One or more names for the filter. The first name is used by default but other names are recognized. color : str, tuple, optional The color used when plotting photometry in this filter. Default: black. offset : float, optional When plotting, offset photometry in this filter by this amount (in magnitudes if plotting magnitudes) system : str, optional Photometric system. Only used for grouping filters in legends. fnu : float, optional Zero-point flux for magnitudes in this filter, in W/(m^2 Hz). If ``fnu = None`` and ``system in ['Gunn', 'ATLAS', 'Gaia', 'MOSFiT']``, assume the AB zero point. Otherwise if ``fnu = None``, converting to flux will raise an error. filename : str, optional Filename containing the transmission function. If none is supplied, converting to flux will raise an error. angstrom : bool, optional If False (default), the transmission function wavelengths are assumed to be in nanometers. If True, they are given in ångströms. linecolor : str, tuple, optional The line color used when plotting photometry in this filter. Default: same as ``color``. textcolor : str, tuple, optional The color used when printing the name of this filter. Default: same as ``linecolor``. mec : str, tuple, optional The marker edge color used when plotting photometry in this filter. Default: same as ``linecolor``. italics : bool, optional Italicize the filter name when used with LaTeX. Default: True. Attributes ---------- name : str The default name of the filter names : list A list of aliases for the filter char : str A single-character identifier for the filter color : str, tuple The color used when plotting photometry in this filter linecolor : str, tuple The line and marker edge color used when plotting photometry in this filter textcolor : str, tuple The color used when printing the name of this filter italics : bool Italicize the filter name when used with LaTeX mec : str, tuple The marker edge color used when plotting photometry in this filter plotstyle : dict Contains all keyword arguments for plotting photometry in this filter offset : float When plotting, offset photometry in this filter by this amount (in magnitudes if plotting magnitudes) system : str The photometric system for magnitudes in this filter fnu : float The zero-point flux for magnitudes in this filter, in watts per square meter per hertz m0 : float The zero point for magnitudes in this filter, i.e., :math:`m_0 = 2.5 \\log_{10}(F_ν)` M0 : float The zero point for absolute magnitudes in this filter, i.e., :math:`M_0 = m_0 + 90.19` filename : str Filename containing the transmission function angstrom : bool If False (default), the transmission function wavelengths are assumed to be in nanometers. If True, they are given in ångströms. trans : astropy.table.Table The transmission function freq_eff : float The effective frequency of the filter (in terahertz), i.e., :math:`ν_0 = \\frac{1}{Δν} \\int ν T(ν) dν` dfreq : float The effective bandwidth of the filter (in terahertz), i.e., :math:`Δν = \\int T(ν) dν` freq_range : tuple The approximate edges of the filter transmission function (in terahertz), i.e., :math:`ν_0 \\pm Δν` """ order = None """The names of recognized filters listed in (approximate) decreasing order of effective frequency""" def __init__(self, names, color='k', offset=0, system=None, fnu=3.631e-23, filename='', angstrom=False, linecolor=None, textcolor=None, mec=None, italics=True): if type(names) == list: = names[0] self.names = names else: = names self.names = [names] if len( == 1: self.char = else: shortest = sorted(self.names, key=len)[0] if len(shortest) == 1: self.char = shortest else: self.char = 'x' self.color = color if linecolor: self.linecolor = linecolor else: self.linecolor = self.color if textcolor: self.textcolor = textcolor else: self.textcolor = self.linecolor if mec: self.mec = mec else: self.mec = self.linecolor self.italics = italics self.offset = offset self.system = system self.plotstyle = {'color': self.linecolor, 'mfc': self.color, 'mec': self.mec} self.fnu = fnu # * u.W * u.m**-2 * u.Hz**-1 if self.fnu is None: self.m0 = np.nan self.M0 = np.nan else: self.m0 = 2.5 * np.log10(self.fnu) self.M0 = self.m0 + 90.19 if filename: self.filename = resource_filename('lightcurve_fitting', os.path.join('filters', filename)) else: self.filename = '' self.angstrom = angstrom self._trans = None self._freq_eff = None self._dfreq = None self._freq_range = None self._wl_eff = None self._dwl = None self._wl_range = None
[docs] def read_curve(self, show=False, force=False): """ Read the transmission function from ``self.filename`` and store it in ``self.trans`` Parameters ---------- show : bool, optional If True, also plot the transmission function force : bool, optional If True, reread the transmission function from ``self.filename`` even if is already stored in ``self.trans`` """ if (self._trans is None or force) and self.filename: i = Filter.order.index( / float(len(Filter.order)) trans =, format='ascii', names=('wl', 'T')) if self.angstrom: trans['wl'] = trans['wl'] / 10. trans['wl'].unit = u.nm trans.sort('wl') trans['T'] /= np.max(trans['T']) trans['freq'] = (const.c / trans['wl']).to(u.THz) dwl = np.trapz(trans['T'].quantity, trans['wl'].quantity) wl_eff = np.trapz(trans['T'].quantity * trans['wl'].quantity, trans['wl'].quantity) / dwl wl0_guess = trans[trans['T'] > 0.5]['wl'].min() left = trans[(trans['wl'] <= wl0_guess) & (trans['T'] >= 0.1)] wl0 = np.interp(0.5, left['T'], left['wl']) wl1_guess = trans[trans['T'] > 0.5]['wl'].max() right = trans[(trans['wl'] >= wl1_guess) & (trans['T'] >= 0.1)][::-1] # must be increasing wl1 = np.interp(0.5, right['T'], right['wl']) if show: plt.figure(1) ax1 = plt.gca() ax1.plot(trans['wl'], trans['T'], self.linecolor, ax1.errorbar(wl_eff.value, i, xerr=[[wl_eff.value - wl0], [wl1 - wl_eff.value]], marker='o', **self.plotstyle) ax1.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax1.set_ylabel('Transmission') dfreq = np.trapz(trans['T'].quantity, trans['freq'].quantity) freq_eff = np.trapz(trans['T'].quantity * trans['freq'].quantity, trans['freq'].quantity) / dfreq freq0 = np.interp(0.5, right['T'], right['freq']) freq1 = np.interp(0.5, left['T'], left['freq']) T_per_freq = trans['T'].quantity / trans['freq'].quantity trans['T_norm_per_freq'] = (T_per_freq / np.trapz(T_per_freq, trans['freq'].quantity)) if show: plt.figure(2) ax2 = plt.gca() ax2.plot(trans['freq'], trans['T'], self.linecolor, ax2.errorbar(freq_eff.value, i, xerr=[[freq_eff.value - freq0], [freq1 - freq_eff.value]], marker='o', **self.plotstyle) ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (THz)') ax2.set_ylabel('Transmission') self._trans = trans self._wl_eff = wl_eff self._dwl = dwl self._wl_range = (wl_eff.value - wl0, wl1 - wl_eff.value) self._freq_eff = freq_eff self._dfreq = -dfreq self._freq_range = (freq_eff.value - freq0, freq1 - freq_eff.value)
@property def trans(self): self.read_curve() return self._trans @property def wl_eff(self): self.read_curve() return self._wl_eff @property def dwl(self): self.read_curve() return self._dwl @property def wl_range(self): self.read_curve() return self._wl_range @property def freq_eff(self): self.read_curve() return self._freq_eff @property def dfreq(self): self.read_curve() return self._dfreq @property def freq_range(self): self.read_curve() return self._freq_range
[docs] def extinction(self, ebv, rv=3.1, z=0.): """ Extinction :math:`A_\lambda` at the effective wavelength of this filter Parameters ---------- ebv : array-like Selective extinction :math:`E(B-V)` in magnitudes rv : float, optional Ratio of total to selective extinction :math:`R_V`. Default: 3.1. z : float, optional Redshift between the dust and the observed filter. Default: 0 (appropriate for Milky Way extinction). Returns ------- extinction : float Extinction at the effective wavelength of this filter in magnitudes """ if self.wl_eff is not None: return fitzpatrick99(np.array([ / (1. + z)]), ebv * rv, rv)[0]
[docs] def synthesize(self, spectrum, *args, z=0., ebv=0., **kwargs): """ Returns the average Lnu of the given spectrum in this filter Parameters ---------- spectrum : function Function describing the spectrum. The first argument must be frequency in THz, and it must return spectral luminosity in watts per hertz. All arguments are passed to this function except for keywords z and ebv. z : float, optional Redshift between the emission source and the observed filter. Default: 0. ebv : float, array-like, optional Selective extinction :math:`E(B-V)` in magnitudes, evaluated using a Fitzpatrick (1999) extinction law with :math:`R_V=3.1`. Its shape must be broadcastable to any array-like arguments. Default: 0. Returns ------- Lnu : float or array-like Average spectral luminosity in the filter in watts per hertz """ freq = self.trans['freq'].value * (1. + z) return np.trapz(spectrum(freq, *args, **kwargs) * extinction_law(freq, ebv) * self.trans['T_norm_per_freq'].data, self.trans['freq'].data)
[docs] def spectrum(self, freq, lum, z=0., ebv=0.): """ Return the average value of the given spectrum in this filter The limits of integration come from the input spectrum, so if the spectrum does not cover the full filter, this function returns the average Lnu within the overlapping region, i.e., it does not extrapolate. Parameters ---------- freq : float or array-like Frequency of the input spectrum in THz lum : float or array-like Spectral luminosity (Lnu) or flux (Fnu) of the input spectrum z : float, optional Redshift between the spectrum and the filter. Default: 0. ebv : float, array-like, optional Selective extinction :math:`E(B-V)` in magnitudes, evaluated using a Fitzpatrick (1999) extinction law with :math:`R_V=3.1`. Default: 0. Returns ------- Lnu : float or array-like Average spectral luminosity (Lnu) or flux (Fnu) in the filter """ freq *= (1. + z) T_per_freq = self.trans['T'].value / self.trans['freq'].value T_interp = np.interp(freq, self.trans['freq'][::-1].value, T_per_freq[::-1], left=0., right=0.) T_norm_per_freq = T_interp / np.trapz(T_interp, freq) return np.trapz(lum * extinction_law(freq, ebv) * T_norm_per_freq, freq)
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return '<filter ' + + '>' def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Filter) and == def __lt__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Filter) and Filter.order.index( < Filter.order.index( def __hash__(self): return
def _resample_filter_curve(filename, outfile): orig = np.loadtxt(filename) wl = np.arange(1225., 274., -1.) resampled = np.interp(wl, orig[:, 0], orig[:, 1], left=0, right=0) output = np.array([wl, resampled]).T np.savetxt(outfile, output, fmt=['%.0f', '%.16f']) # Vega zero points are from # * Table A2 of Bessell et al. 1998, A&A, 333, 231 for UBVRIJHK # * Table 1 of for Swift all_filters = [ Filter('FUV', 'b', 8, 'GALEX', filename='GALEX_GALEX.FUV.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('NUV', 'r', 8, 'GALEX', filename='GALEX_GALEX.NUV.dat', angstrom=True), Filter(['UVW2', 'uvw2', 'W2', '2', 'uw2'], '#FF007F', 8, 'Swift', 7.379e-24, 'Swift_UVOT.UVW2.dat', angstrom=True), Filter(['UVM2', 'uvm2', 'M2', 'M', 'um2'], 'm', 8, 'Swift', 7.656e-24, 'Swift_UVOT.UVM2.dat', angstrom=True), Filter(['UVW1', 'uvw1', 'W1', '1', 'uw1'], '#7F00FF', 4, 'Swift', 9.036e-24, 'Swift_UVOT.UVW1.dat', angstrom=True), Filter(['u', "u'", 'up', 'uprime'], '#4700CC', 3, 'Gunn', filename='SLOAN_SDSS.u.dat', angstrom=True), # brightened from '#080017' Filter(['U_S', 's', 'us'], '#230047', 3, 'Swift', 1.419e-23, filename='Swift_UVOT.U.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('U', '#3C0072', 3, 'Johnson', 1.790e-23, filename='Generic_Johnson.U.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k'), Filter('B', '#0057FF', 2, 'Johnson', 4.063e-23, filename='Generic_Johnson.B.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k'), Filter(['B_S', 'b', 'bs'], '#4B00FF', 2, 'Swift', 4.093e-23, filename='Swift_UVOT.B.dat', angstrom=True), Filter(['g', "g'", 'gp', 'gprime', 'F475W'], '#00CCFF', 1, 'Gunn', filename='SLOAN_SDSS.g.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('g-DECam', '#00CCFF', 1, 'DECam', filename='CTIO_DECam.g.dat', angstrom=True), Filter(['c', 'cyan'], 'c', 1, 'ATLAS', filename='ATLAS_cyan.txt'), Filter('V', '#79FF00', 1, 'Johnson', 3.636e-23, filename='Generic_Johnson.V.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k', textcolor='#46CC00'), Filter(['V_S', 'v', 'vs'], '#00FF30', 1, 'Swift', 3.664e-23, filename='Swift_UVOT.V.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('Itagaki', 'w', 0, 'Itagaki', filename='KAF-1001E.asci', linecolor='k', italics=False), Filter('white', 'w', 0, 'MOSFiT', filename='white.txt', linecolor='k', italics=False), Filter(['unfilt.', '0', 'C', 'clear', 'pseudobolometric', 'griz', 'RGB', 'LGRB'], 'w', 0, 'MOSFiT', filename='pseudobolometric.txt', linecolor='k', italics=False), Filter('G', 'w', 0, 'Gaia', filename='GAIA_GAIA0.G.dat', angstrom=True, linecolor='k'), Filter('Kepler', 'r', 0, 'Kepler', filename='Kepler_Kepler.K.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('TESS', 'r', 0, 'TESS', filename='TESS_TESS.Red.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter(['DLT40', 'Open', 'Clear'], 'w', 0, 'DLT40', filename='QE_E2V_MBBBUV_Broadband.csv', linecolor='k', italics=False), Filter('w', 'w', 0, 'Gunn', filename='PAN-STARRS_PS1.w.dat', angstrom=True, linecolor='k'), Filter(['o', 'orange'], 'orange', 0, 'ATLAS', filename='ATLAS_orange.txt'), Filter(['r', "r'", 'rp', 'rprime', 'F625W'], '#FF7D00', 0, 'Gunn', filename='SLOAN_SDSS.r.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('r-DECam', '#FF7D00', 0, 'DECam', filename='CTIO_DECam.r.dat', angstrom=True), Filter(['R', 'Rc', 'R_s'], '#FF7000', 0, 'Johnson', 3.064e-23, filename='Generic_Cousins.R.dat', mec='k', angstrom=True), # '#CC5900' Filter(['i', "i'", 'ip', 'iprime', 'F775W'], '#90002C', -1, 'Gunn', filename='SLOAN_SDSS.i.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('i-DECam', '#90002C', -1, 'DECam', filename='CTIO_DECam.i.dat', angstrom=True), Filter(['I', 'Ic'], '#66000B', -1, 'Johnson', 2.416e-23, filename='Generic_Cousins.I.dat', mec='k', angstrom=True), # brightened from '#1C0003' Filter(['z_s', 'zs'], '#000000', -2, 'Gunn', filename='PAN-STARRS_PS1.z.dat', angstrom=True), Filter(['z', "z'", 'zp', 'zprime'], '#000000', -2, 'Gunn', filename='SLOAN_SDSS.z.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('z-DECam', '#000000', -2, 'DECam', filename='CTIO_DECam.z.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('y', 'y', -3, 'Gunn', filename='PAN-STARRS_PS1.y.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('y-DECam', 'y', -3, 'DECam', filename='CTIO_DECam.Y.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('J', '#444444', -2, 'UKIRT', 1.589e-23, filename='Gemini_Flamingos2.J.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('H', '#888888', -3, 'UKIRT', 1.021e-23, filename='Gemini_Flamingos2.H.dat', angstrom=True), Filter(['K', 'Ks'], '#CCCCCC', -4, 'UKIRT', 0.640e-23, filename='Gemini_Flamingos2.Ks.dat', angstrom=True), Filter('L', 'r', -4, 'UKIRT', 0.285e-23), # JWST Filter('F070W', 'C7', 0, 'JWST NIRCam', filename='JWST_NIRCam.F070W.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('F090W', 'C0', 0, 'JWST NIRCam', filename='JWST_NIRCam.F090W.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('F115W', 'C8', 0, 'JWST NIRCam', filename='JWST_NIRCam.F115W.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('F150W', 'C1', 0, 'JWST NIRCam', filename='JWST_NIRCam.F150W.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('F200W', 'C2', 0, 'JWST NIRCam', filename='JWST_NIRCam.F200W.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('F277W', 'C3', 0, 'JWST NIRCam', filename='JWST_NIRCam.F277W.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('F300M', 'maroon', 0, 'JWST NIRCam', filename='JWST_NIRCam.F300M.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('F335M', 'salmon', 0, 'JWST NIRCam', filename='JWST_NIRCam.F335M.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('F356W', 'C4', 0, 'JWST NIRCam', filename='JWST_NIRCam.F356W.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('F360M', 'crimson', 0, 'JWST NIRCam', filename='JWST_NIRCam.F360M.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('F444W', 'C5', 0, 'JWST NIRCam', filename='JWST_NIRCam.F444W.dat', angstrom=True, italics=False), Filter('F560W', 'C9', 0, 'JWST MIRI', filename='JWST_MIRI.F560W.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k', italics=False), Filter('F770W', 'C6', 0, 'JWST MIRI', filename='JWST_MIRI.F770W.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k', italics=False), Filter('F1000W', 'C7', 0, 'JWST MIRI', filename='JWST_MIRI.F1000W.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k', italics=False), Filter('F1130W', 'C0', 0, 'JWST MIRI', filename='JWST_MIRI.F1130W.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k', italics=False), Filter('F1280W', 'C8', 0, 'JWST MIRI', filename='JWST_MIRI.F1280W.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k', italics=False), Filter('F1500W', 'C1', 0, 'JWST MIRI', filename='JWST_MIRI.F1500W.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k', italics=False), Filter('F1800W', 'C9', 0, 'JWST MIRI', filename='JWST_MIRI.F1800W.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k', italics=False), Filter('F2100W', 'C2', 0, 'JWST MIRI', filename='JWST_MIRI.F2100W.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k', italics=False), Filter('F2550W', 'C3', 0, 'JWST MIRI', filename='JWST_MIRI.F2550W.dat', angstrom=True, mec='k', italics=False), Filter(['unknown', '?'], 'w', 0, 'unknown', linecolor='k', italics=False)] Filter.order = [ for f in all_filters] filtdict = {} for filt in all_filters: for name in filt.names: filtdict[name] = filt