Source code for lightcurve_fitting.bolometric

from .filters import filtdict, extinction_law
from .models import planck_fast, UniformPrior, LogUniformPrior, GaussianPrior
from .lightcurve import LC

from astropy import constants as const
from astropy import units as u

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, OptimizeWarning
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import emcee
import corner
import os
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import warnings'lightcurve_fitting', 'serif.mplstyle'))

[docs]def pseudo(temp, radius, z, filter0=filtdict['I'], filter1=filtdict['U'], cutoff_freq=np.inf): """ Integrate a blackbody spectrum between two broadband filters to produce a pseudobolometric luminosity Parameters ---------- temp : float, array-like Blackbody temperatures in kilokelvins radius : float, array-like Blackbody radii in units of 1000 solar radii z : float Redshift between the blackbody (rest frame) and the filters (observed frame) filter0, filter1 : lightcurve_fitting.filters.Filter, optional Filters to integrate between, where ``filter1`` is bluer than ``filter0``. Default: U to I. cutoff_freq : float, optional Cutoff frequency (in terahertz) for a modified blackbody spectrum (see Returns ------- L_opt : float, array-like Pseudobolometric luminosity in watts """ freq0 = (filter0.freq_eff - filter0.dfreq / 2.).value freq1 = (filter1.freq_eff + filter1.dfreq / 2.).value x_optical = np.arange(freq0, freq1) y_optical = planck_fast(x_optical * (1. + z), temp, radius, cutoff_freq) L_opt = np.trapz(y_optical) * 1e12 # dx = 1 THz return L_opt
[docs]def plot_chain(chain, labels=None): """ Plot the chain histories for an MCMC run Parameters ---------- chain : array-like Array containing the MCMC chain history, e.g., from :meth:`emcee.EnsembleSampler.chain` labels : iterable, optional A list of axis labels for each parameter in the chain Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Figure object containing the chain history plots """ ndim = chain.shape[-1] fig, ax = plt.subplots(ndim, figsize=(6., 2. * ndim)) for i in range(ndim): ax[i].plot(chain[:, :, i].T, 'k', alpha=0.2) if labels: ax[i].set_ylabel(labels[i]) return fig
[docs]def spectrum_mcmc(spectrum, epoch1, priors, starting_guesses, z=0., ebv=0., spectrum_kwargs=None, show=False, outpath='.', nwalkers=10, burnin_steps=200, steps=100, save_chains=False, use_sigma=False, sigma_type='relative', labels=None, freq_min=100., freq_max=1000.): """ Fit the given spectral energy distribution to an epoch of photometry using a Markov-chain Monte Carlo routine Parameters ---------- spectrum : function Function describing the spectrum. The first argument must be frequency in THz, and it must return spectral luminosity in watts per hertz. For a blackbody, you can use :func:`.models.planck_fast`. epoch1 : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC A single "epoch" of photometry that defines the observed spectral energy distribution priors : list Prior probability distributions for each model parameter (and sigma, if used). Available priors: :class:`.models.UniformPrior` (default), :class:`.models.LogUniformPrior`, :class:`.models.GaussianPrior` starting_guesses : array-like Initial guesses for each input parameter to ``spectrum``. Must have shape (nwalkers, nparameters). z : float, optional Redshift between the emission source and the observed filter. Default: 0. ebv : float, array-like, optional Selective extinction :math:`E(B-V)` in magnitudes, evaluated using a Fitzpatrick (1999) extinction law with :math:`R_V=3.1`. Its shape must be broadcastable to any array-like arguments. Default: 0. spectrum_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to be passed to the ``spectrum`` function. show : bool, optional Plot the chain histories, and display all plots at the end of the script. Default: only save the corner plot outpath : str, optional Directory to which to save the corner plots. Default: current directory nwalkers : int, optional Number of walkers (chains) to use for fitting. Default: 10 burnin_steps : int, optional Number of MCMC steps before convergence. This part of the history is discarded. Default: 200 steps : int, optional Number of MCMC steps after convergence. This part of the history is used to calculate parameters. Default: 100. save_chains : bool, optional If True, save the MCMC chain histories to the directory ``outpath``. Default: only save the corner plot use_sigma : bool, optional Include an intrinsic scatter parameter. Default: False. sigma_type : str, optional If 'relative' (default), sigma will be in units of the individual photometric uncertainties. If 'absolute', sigma will be in units of the median photometric uncertainty. labels : list, optional Axis labels for the chain histories and corner plot. freq_min, freq_max : float, optional Minimum and maximum frequencies for the SED panel in the corner plot. Default: (100., 1000.) or observed range. Returns ------- sampler : emcee.EnsembleSampler Sampler object containing the results of the MCMC fit """ y = epoch1['lum'].data dy = epoch1['dlum'].data filtobj = epoch1['filter'].data mjdavg = np.mean(epoch1['MJD'].data) if spectrum_kwargs is None: spectrum_kwargs = {} if sigma_type == 'relative': sigma_units = dy elif sigma_type == 'absolute': sigma_units = np.median(dy) else: raise Exception('sigma_type must either be "relative" or "absolute"') def log_posterior(p): log_prior = 0. for prior, p_i in zip(priors, p): log_prior += prior(p_i) if np.isinf(log_prior): return log_prior y_fit = np.array([f.synthesize(spectrum, *p[:-1 if use_sigma else None], z=z, ebv=ebv, **spectrum_kwargs) for f in filtobj]) sigma = np.sqrt(dy ** 2. + (p[-1] * sigma_units) ** 2.) if use_sigma else dy log_likelihood = -0.5 * np.sum(np.log(2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2.) + ((y - y_fit) / sigma) ** 2.) return log_prior + log_likelihood ndim = len(priors) sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, log_posterior) pos, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(starting_guesses, burnin_steps) # Plotting if show: plot_chain(sampler.chain, labels) sampler.reset() sampler.run_mcmc(pos, steps) if show: plot_chain(sampler.chain, labels) os.makedirs(outpath, exist_ok=True) if save_chains: chain_filename = os.path.join(outpath, f'{mjdavg:.3f}.npy'), sampler.flatchain) f4 = spectrum_corner(spectrum, epoch1, sampler.flatchain, z, ebv, spectrum_kwargs, use_sigma, labels, freq_min=freq_min, freq_max=freq_max, save_plot_as=os.path.join(outpath, f'{mjdavg:.3f}.pdf')) if show: else: plt.close(f4) return sampler
[docs]def spectrum_corner(spectrum, epoch1, sampler_flatchain, z=0., ebv=0., spectrum_kwargs=None, use_sigma=False, labels=None, freq_min=100., freq_max=1000., save_plot_as=''): """ Plot the posterior distributions in a corner (pair) plot, with an inset showing the observed and model SEDs. Parameters ---------- spectrum : function Function describing the spectrum. The first argument must be frequency in THz, and it must return spectral luminosity in watts per hertz. For a blackbody, you can use :func:`.models.planck_fast`. epoch1 : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC A single "epoch" of photometry that defines the observed spectral energy distribution sampler_flatchain : array-like 2D array containing the aggregated MCMC chain histories z : float, optional Redshift between the emission source and the observed filter. Default: 0. ebv : float, array-like, optional Selective extinction :math:`E(B-V)` in magnitudes, evaluated using a Fitzpatrick (1999) extinction law with :math:`R_V=3.1`. Its shape must be broadcastable to any array-like arguments. Default: 0. spectrum_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to be passed to the ``spectrum`` function. use_sigma : bool, optional Include an intrinsic scatter parameter. Default: False. labels : list, optional Axis labels for the chain histories and corner plot. freq_min, freq_max : float, optional Minimum and maximum frequencies for the SED panel in the corner plot. Default: (100., 1000.) or observed range. save_plot_as : str, optional Filename to which to save the resulting plot Returns ------- f4 : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Figure containing the corner and SED plots. """ ndim = sampler_flatchain.shape[-1] if spectrum_kwargs is None: spectrum_kwargs = {} f4 = corner.corner(sampler_flatchain, labels=labels) ps = sampler_flatchain[np.random.choice(sampler_flatchain.shape[0], 100)].T xmin = min(freq_min, epoch1['filter'].max().freq_eff.value) xmax = max(freq_max, epoch1['filter'].min().freq_eff.value) xfit = np.arange(xmin, xmax) freq = xfit * (1. + z) yfit = spectrum(freq, *ps[:-1 if use_sigma else None], **spectrum_kwargs) * extinction_law(freq, ebv) yscale = 10. ** np.floor(np.log10(yfit.max())) # add tick labels and axis labels to the top right figure so tight_layout works all_axes = np.reshape(f4.get_axes(), (ndim, ndim)) top_right = all_axes[0, -1] top_right.set_frame_on(True) top_right.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.AutoLocator()) top_right.xaxis.tick_top() top_right.set_xlabel('Frequency (THz)') top_right.xaxis.set_label_position('top') top_right.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.AutoLocator()) top_right.yaxis.tick_right() top_right.set_ylabel(f'Luminosity $L_\\nu$ (10$^{{{np.log10(yscale):.0f}}}$ W Hz$^{{-1}}$)') top_right.yaxis.set_label_position('right') f4.tight_layout(h_pad=0.05, w_pad=0.05) bottom_left = all_axes[ndim // 2 - 1, (ndim + 1) // 2] if bottom_left is top_right: ax = top_right else: # add a new axis that takes up the entire top right of the figure bbox0 = bottom_left.bbox.transformed(f4.transFigure.inverted()) bbox1 = top_right.bbox.transformed(f4.transFigure.inverted()) ax = f4.add_axes([bbox0.xmin, bbox0.ymin, bbox1.xmax - bbox0.xmin, bbox1.ymax - bbox0.ymin]) ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (THz)') ax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.set_ylabel(f'Luminosity $L_\\nu$ (10$^{{{np.log10(yscale):.0f}}}$ W Hz$^{{-1}}$)') ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') # turn the original top right axis back off top_right.set_frame_on(False) top_right.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) top_right.set_xlabel('') top_right.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) top_right.set_ylabel('') for row in epoch1: ax.errorbar(row['freq'], row['lum'] / yscale, row['dlum'] / yscale, marker='o', **row['filter'].plotstyle) ax.plot(xfit, yfit.T / yscale, color='k', alpha=0.05) if save_plot_as: f4.savefig(save_plot_as) print('saving figure as ' + save_plot_as) return f4
[docs]def plot_bolometric_results(t0, save_plot_as=None): """ Plot the parameters and bolometric light curves that result from fitting the spectral energy distribution Parameters ---------- t0 : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC Table containing the results from fitting the spectral energy distribution save_plot_as : str, optional Filename to which to save the plot. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Figure object containing the plot """ fig, axarr = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(6, 12), sharex=True) axarr[0].errorbar(t0['MJD'], t0['lum'], t0['dlum'], marker='.', ls='none', color='k', label='bolometric, curve_fit') axarr[0].plot(t0['MJD'], t0['L_opt'], marker='.', ls='none', color='C0', label='pseudobolometric, curve_fit') axarr[0].errorbar(t0['MJD'], t0['L_mcmc'], (t0['dL_mcmc0'], t0['dL_mcmc1']), marker='.', ls='none', color='C1', label='pseudobolometric, MCMC') axarr[0].plot(t0['MJD'], t0['L_int'], marker='.', ls='none', color='C2', label='pseudobolometric, integration') axarr[0].legend() axarr[0].set_yscale('log') axarr[0].set_ylabel('Luminosity (W)') axarr[1].errorbar(t0['MJD'], t0['radius'], t0['dradius'], color='C0', marker='.', ls='none') axarr[1].errorbar(t0['MJD'], t0['radius_mcmc'], (t0['dradius0'], t0['dradius1']), color='C1', marker='.', ls='none') axarr[1].set_ylabel('Radius ($1000 R_\\odot$)') axarr[2].errorbar(t0['MJD'], t0['temp'], t0['dtemp'], color='C0', marker='.', ls='none') axarr[2].errorbar(t0['MJD'], t0['temp_mcmc'], (t0['dtemp0'], t0['dtemp1']), color='C1', marker='.', ls='none') axarr[2].set_ylabel('Temperature (kK)') axarr[2].set_xlabel('MJD') fig.tight_layout() if save_plot_as is not None: fig.savefig(save_plot_as) return fig
[docs]def group_by_epoch(lc, res=1., also_group_by=()): """ Group a light curve into epochs that will be treated as single spectral energy distributions. Parameters ---------- lc : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC Table containing the observed photometry. Must contain times in an "MJD" column. res : float, optional Approximate resolution for grouping, in days. Default: 1 day. Returns ------- epochs.groups : astropy.table.TableGroups Iterable containing single-epoch spectral energy distributions """ x = lc['MJD'].data / res frac = np.median(x - np.trunc(x)) lc['bin'] = np.round(x - frac + np.round(frac)) * res group_by = ['bin'] + list(also_group_by) for col in also_group_by: if[col]): lc[col] = lc[col].filled() epochs = lc.group_by(group_by) return epochs.groups
sigma_sb = / (1000. * u.Rsun) ** 2 / u.kK ** 4).value
[docs]def stefan_boltzmann(temp, radius, dtemp, drad, covTR): """ Calculate blackbody luminosity and associated uncertainty using the Stefan-Boltzmann law Parameters ---------- temp : float, array-like Temperature in kilokelvins radius : float, array-like Radius in units of 1000 solar radii dtemp : float, array-like Uncertainty in the temperature in kilokelvins drad : float, array-like Uncertainty in the radius in units of 1000 solar radii covTR : float, array-like Covariance between the temperature and radius Returns ------- lum : float, array-like Luminosity in watts dlum : float, array-like Uncertainty in the luminosity in watts """ lum = 4 * np.pi * radius ** 2 * sigma_sb * temp ** 4 dlum = 8 * np.pi * sigma_sb * (radius ** 2 * temp ** 8 * drad ** 2 + 4 * radius ** 4 * temp ** 6 * dtemp ** 2 + 4 * radius ** 3 * temp ** 7 * covTR) ** 0.5 return lum, dlum
[docs]def median_and_unc(x, perc_contained=68.): """ Calculate the equal-tailed credible interval, centered on the median, for a sample of data Parameters ---------- x : array-like The data sample perc_contained : float, optional The percentage of the probability to be contained in the interval. Default: 68% (1σ) Returns ------- median : float The median of ``x`` lower : float The lower boundary of the credible interval upper : float The upper boundary of the credible interval """ q = 50. + np.array([-perc_contained / 2., 0., perc_contained / 2.]) percentiles = np.percentile(x, q, axis=0) median = percentiles[1] lower, upper = np.diff(percentiles, axis=0) return median, lower, upper
[docs]def blackbody_lstsq(epoch1, z, p0=None, T_range=(1., 100.), R_range=(0.01, 1000.), cutoff_freq=np.inf): """ Fit a blackbody spectrum to a spectral energy distribution using :math:`χ^2` minimization Parameters ---------- epoch1 : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC A single "epoch" of photometry that defines the observed spectral energy distribution z : float Redshift between the blackbody (rest frame) and the filters (observed frame) p0 : list, tuple, array-like, optional Initial guess for [temperature (kK), radius (1000 Rsun)]. Default: ``[10., 10.]`` T_range : tuple, list, array-like, optional Range of allowed temperatures (in kilokelvins) in the prior. Default: ``(1., 100.)`` R_range : tuple, list, array-like, optional Range of allowed radii (in 1000 solar radii) in the prior. Default: ``(0.01, 1000.)`` cutoff_freq : float, optional Cutoff frequency (in terahertz) for a modified blackbody spectrum (see Returns ------- temp : float Best-fit blackbody temperature in kilokelvins radius : float Best-fit blackbody radius in units of 1000 solar radii dtemp : float Uncertainty in the temperature in kilokelvins drad : float Uncertainty in the radius in units of 1000 solar radii lum : float Blackbody luminosity implied by the best-fit temperature and radius dlum : float Uncertainty in the blackbody luminosity L_opt : float Pseudobolometric luminosity from integrating the best-fit blackbody spectrum over the U-I filters """ if p0 is None: p0 = [10., 10.] def planck_cutoff(nu, T, R): return planck_fast(nu, T, R, cutoff_freq) with warnings.catch_warnings(): if len(epoch1) <= 2: warnings.simplefilter('ignore', OptimizeWarning) p0, cov = curve_fit(planck_cutoff, epoch1['freq'] * (1. + z), epoch1['lum'], p0=p0, bounds=([T_range[0], R_range[0]], [T_range[1], R_range[1]])) temp, radius = p0 dtemp, drad = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) lum, dlum = stefan_boltzmann(temp, radius, dtemp, drad, cov[0, 1]) L_opt = pseudo(temp, radius, z, cutoff_freq=cutoff_freq) return temp, radius, dtemp, drad, lum, dlum, L_opt
[docs]def integrate_sed(epoch1): """ Directly integrate a spectral energy distribution using the trapezoidal rule Parameters ---------- epoch1 : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC A single "epoch" of photometry that defines the observed spectral energy distribution Returns ------- L_int : float Luminosity in watts """ epoch1.sort('freq') freqs = np.insert(epoch1['freq'], 0, epoch1['freq'][0] - epoch1['dfreq'][0]) lums = np.insert(epoch1['lum'], 0, 0) freqs = np.append(freqs, epoch1['freq'][-1] + epoch1['dfreq'][-1]) lums = np.append(lums, 0) L_int = np.trapz(lums * epoch1['lum'].unit, freqs * epoch1['freq'].unit).to(u.W).value return L_int
[docs]def calc_colors(epoch1, colors): """ Calculate colors from a spectral energy distribution Parameters ---------- epoch1 : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC A single "epoch" of photometry that defines the observed spectral energy distribution colors : list A list of colors to calculate, e.g., ``['U-B', 'B-V', 'g-r', 'r-i']`` Returns ------- mags : list A list of the calculated colors dmags : list A list of uncertainties on the calculated colors, from propagating errors on the photometry points lolims : list A list of booleans: True if the first filter is a nondetection or is absent from ``epoch1`` uplims : list A list of booleans: True if the second filter is a nondetection or is absent from ``epoch1`` """ mags = [] dmags = [] lolims = [] uplims = [] for color in colors: f0, f1 = [filtdict[f] for f in color.split('-')] if f0 in epoch1['filter'] and f1 in epoch1['filter']: m0, dm0, n0 = epoch1.where(filter=f0)[['absmag', 'dmag', 'nondet']][0] m1, dm1, n1 = epoch1.where(filter=f1)[['absmag', 'dmag', 'nondet']][0] if n0 and n1: m0_m1 = np.nan else: m0_m1 = m0 - m1 dm0_m1 = (dm0 ** 2. + dm1 ** 2.) ** 0.5 mags.append(m0_m1) dmags.append(dm0_m1) lolims.append(n0) uplims.append(n1) else: mags.append(np.nan) dmags.append(np.nan) lolims.append(True) uplims.append(True) return mags, dmags, lolims, uplims
[docs]def plot_color_curves(t, colors=None, fmt='o', limit_length=0.1, xcol='MJD'): """ Plot the color curves calculated by :func:`.calculate_bolometric`. Parameters ---------- t : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC Output table from :func:`.calculate_bolometric` colors : list, optional List of colors to plot, e.g., ``['g-r', 'r-i']``. By default, plot all recognizable colors. fmt : str, optional Format string, passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar` limit_length : float, optional Length (in data units) of the upper and lower limit markers Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Figure object containing the plot """ if colors is None: colors = [] for col in t.colnames: if col.split('-')[0] in filtdict and not (t.has_masked_values and t.mask[col].all()): colors.append(col) fig = plt.figure() for c in colors: dcolor_colname = f'd({c})' if t.has_masked_values and t.mask[dcolor_colname].any(): dcolor = t[dcolor_colname].filled(limit_length) else: dcolor = t[dcolor_colname] plt.errorbar(t[xcol], t[c], dcolor, (t[f'd{xcol}0'], t[f'd{xcol}1']), fmt=fmt, lolims=t[f'lolims({c})'], uplims=t[f'uplims({c})'], label=f'${c}$') plt.xlabel(xcol) plt.ylabel('Color (mag)') plt.legend() return fig
[docs]def calculate_bolometric(lc, z=0., outpath='.', res=1., nwalkers=10, burnin_steps=200, steps=100, priors=None, save_table_as=None, min_nfilt=3, cutoff_freq=np.inf, show=False, colors=None, do_mcmc=True, save_chains=False, use_sigma=False, sigma_type='relative', also_group_by=()): """ Calculate the full bolometric light curve from a table of broadband photometry Parameters ---------- lc : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC Table of broadband photometry including columns "MJD", "mag", "dmag", "filter" z : float, optional DEPRECATED: Include the redshift in `lc.meta['redshift']` instead. outpath : str, optional Directory to which to save the corner plots and MCMC chains. Default: current directory res : float, optional Approximate resolution for grouping, in days. Default: 1 day. nwalkers : int, optional Number of walkers (chains) to use for fitting. Default: 10 burnin_steps : int, optional Number of MCMC steps before convergence. This part of the history is discarded. Default: 200 steps : int, optional Number of MCMC steps after convergence. This part of the history is used to calculate paramers. Default: 100. priors : list, optional Prior probability distributions for temperature (in kilokelvins) and radius (in 1000 solar radii). Available priors: :class:`.models.UniformPrior`, :class:`.models.LogUniformPrior`, :class:`.models.GaussianPrior`. Default: ``T = Uniform(1., 100.)``, ``R = LogUniform(0.01, 1000.)``, ``σ = Gaussian(0., 10., stddev=1.)``. save_table_as : str, optional Filename to which to save the output table of blackbody parameters and bolometric luminosities min_nfilt : int, optional Minimum number of distinct observed filters required to calculate a luminosity. Default: 3 cutoff_freq : float, optional Cutoff frequency (in terahertz) for a modified blackbody spectrum (see show : bool, optional Plot the chain histories, and display all plots at the end of the script. Default: only save the corner plot colors : list, optional A list of colors to calculate, e.g., ``['U-B', 'B-V', 'g-r', 'r-i']`` do_mcmc : bool, optional If True (default), also fit the spectral energy distribution with an MCMC routine. This is slower but gives more realistic uncertainties. save_chains : bool, optional If True, save the MCMC chain histories to the directory ``outpath``. Default: only save the corner plot use_sigma : bool, optional Include an intrinsic scatter parameter in the MCMC fit. Default: False. sigma_type : str, optional If 'relative' (default), sigma will be in units of the individual photometric uncertainties. If 'absolute', sigma will be in units of the median photometric uncertainty. also_group_by : list, optional Group by these columns in addition to epoch Returns ------- t0 : lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LC Table containing the blackbody parameters, bolometric luminosities, and (optionally) colors """ if z: warnings.warn('The z keyword is deprecated. Include the reshift in `lc.meta["redshift"]` instead.') z = lc.meta.get('redshift', z) if colors is None: colors = [] use_src = 'source' in lc.colnames t0 = LC(names=['MJD', 'dMJD0', 'dMJD1', 'temp', 'radius', 'dtemp', 'dradius', # best fit from scipy.curve_fit 'lum', 'dlum', # total bolometric luminosity from scipy.curve_fit 'L_opt', # pseudobolometric luminosity from scipy.curve_fit 'temp_mcmc', 'radius_mcmc', 'dtemp0', 'dtemp1', 'dradius0', 'dradius1', # best fit from MCMC 'L_mcmc', 'dL_mcmc0', 'dL_mcmc1', # pseudobolometric luminosity from MCMC 'L_int', # pseudobolometric luminosity from direct integration of the SED 'npoints'] + colors + ['d({})'.format(c) for c in colors] + ['lolims({})'.format(c) for c in colors] + ['uplims({})'.format(c) for c in colors] + ['filts'] + (['source'] if use_src else []), dtype=[float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int] + [float] * 2 * len(colors) + [bool] * 2 * len(colors) + ['S6'] + ([lc['source'].dtype] if use_src else []), masked=True) if priors is None: priors = [UniformPrior(1., 100.), LogUniformPrior(0.01, 1000.)] if use_sigma: priors.append(GaussianPrior(0., 10.)) sampler = None lc = lc[np.isfinite(lc['dmag']) & (lc['dmag'] > 0.)] for epoch1 in group_by_epoch(lc, res, also_group_by): epoch1.calcFlux() epoch1 = epoch1.bin(delta=np.inf) epoch1.calcMag() epoch1.calcAbsMag() epoch1.calcLum() epoch1['freq'] = u.Quantity([f.freq_eff for f in epoch1['filter']]) epoch1['dfreq'] = u.Quantity([f.dfreq for f in epoch1['filter']]) epoch1['lum'].unit = u.W / u.Hz epoch1['dlum'].unit = u.W / u.Hz filts = set(epoch1.where(nondet=False)['filter'].data) nfilt = len(filts) if nfilt < min_nfilt: continue if nfilt > 1: p0 = np.array([10., 10.]) elif sampler is not None: priors[0] = gaussian_kde(sampler.flatchain[:, 0]).logpdf p0 = np.median(sampler.flatchain, axis=0) else: continue mjdavg, dmjd0, dmjd1 = median_and_unc(epoch1['MJD'], 100.) filtstr = ''.join([f.char for f in sorted(filts)]) # blackbody - least squares T_range = (priors[0].p_min, priors[0].p_max) R_range = (priors[1].p_min, priors[1].p_max) try: temp, radius, dtemp, drad, lum, dlum, L_opt = blackbody_lstsq(epoch1, z, p0, T_range, R_range, cutoff_freq) p0 = np.array([temp, radius]) except RuntimeError: # optimization failed temp = radius = dtemp = drad = lum = dlum = L_opt = np.nan rng = np.random.default_rng() starting_guesses = rng.normal(size=(nwalkers, 2)) + p0 starting_guesses[starting_guesses <= 0.] = 1. labels = ['T (kK)', 'R (1000 R$_\\odot$)'] if use_sigma: starting_guesses = np.append(starting_guesses, np.abs(rng.normal(size=(nwalkers, 1))), axis=1) labels.append('$\\sigma$') # blackbody - MCMC try: if not do_mcmc: raise ValueError spectrum_kwargs = {'cutoff_freq': cutoff_freq} sampler = spectrum_mcmc(planck_fast, epoch1, priors, starting_guesses, z=z, spectrum_kwargs=spectrum_kwargs, outpath=outpath, nwalkers=nwalkers, burnin_steps=burnin_steps, steps=steps, show=show, save_chains=save_chains, use_sigma=use_sigma, sigma_type=sigma_type, labels=labels) L_mcmc_opt = pseudo(sampler.flatchain[:, 0], sampler.flatchain[:, 1], z, cutoff_freq=cutoff_freq) (T_mcmc, R_mcmc), (dT0_mcmc, dR0_mcmc), (dT1_mcmc, dR1_mcmc) = median_and_unc(sampler.flatchain[:, :2]) L_mcmc, dL_mcmc0, dL_mcmc1 = median_and_unc(L_mcmc_opt) except ValueError as e: print(e) T_mcmc = R_mcmc = dT0_mcmc = dR0_mcmc = dT1_mcmc = dR1_mcmc = L_mcmc = dL_mcmc0 = dL_mcmc1 = np.nan # direct integration L_int = integrate_sed(epoch1) # color calculation if colors is None: colors = [] color_mags, color_dmags, color_lolims, color_uplims = calc_colors(epoch1, colors) row = [mjdavg, dmjd0, dmjd1, temp, radius, dtemp, drad, lum, dlum, L_opt, T_mcmc, R_mcmc, dT0_mcmc, dT1_mcmc, dR0_mcmc, dR1_mcmc, L_mcmc, dL_mcmc0, dL_mcmc1, L_int, nfilt] + color_mags + color_dmags row_bool = color_lolims + color_uplims row_string = [filtstr] + ([epoch1['source'][0]] if use_src else []) mask = np.concatenate([np.isnan(row), np.zeros_like(row_bool, dtype=bool), ~np.array([bool(rs) for rs in row_string])]) t0.add_row(row + row_bool + row_string, mask=mask) if save_table_as is not None and t0: t0.write(save_table_as, format='ascii.fixed_width_two_line', overwrite=True) return t0